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[英]How do I convert a sequence of sequences into a sequence of maps with clojure?

I'm reading data from a file where each line has two values. 我正在读取文件中的数据,其中每行有两个值。 Each line is represented by a sequence within an outer sequence representing the file. 每一行由表示文件的外部序列内的序列表示。

I'd like to restructure the data into a sequence of maps for further processing. 我想将数据重组为一系列地图以供进一步处理。

I know how to create a map from a key set and sequence of values: 我知道如何从键集和值序列创建映射:

=> (defstruct entry :name :age)
=> (apply struct entry '("John" 34))
{:name "John", :age 34}

But how do I create a sequence of such maps based on a sequence of value sequences? 但是,如何根据一系列值序列创建一系列此类地图?

(map (apply struct entry) '(("John" 34) ("Lisa" 41))))

results in: 结果是:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to create ISeq from: clojure.lang.PersistentStructMap$Def

EDIT: Renamed symbol for clarity. 编辑:为了清晰起见重命名符号。

structs are obsolete, the preference is to use records now. 结构已经过时,首选是使用记录。

(defrecord Person [name age])

(map (partial apply ->Person) '(("John" 34) ("Lisa" 41)))

Use zipmap 使用zipmap

(map (partial zipmap [:name :age]) '(("John" 34) ("Lisa" 41)))

;-> ({:name "John", :age 34} {:name "Lisa", :age 5})

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