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[英]What does this makefile do?

I have the following makefile (Makefile.certify) and when I execute: 我有以下makefile(Makefile.certify),执行时:

make -f Makefile.certify

It gives me a: 它给了我一个:

/bin/sh: line 23: -o: command not found


all: ${PROG}

${PROG}: ${ARCH}
    @for mode in $? ; do \
            case $${mode} in        \
                    i386)           \
                            CC="${_CC} -g -D__x86";         \
                            ;;      \
                    i386-f64)       \
                            CC="${_CC} -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -g -D__x86";\
                            ;;      \
                    amd64)          \
                            CC="${_CC} -m64 -g -D__x86 -D__ia64 -D__GNUC";\
                            ;;      \
                    *)              \
                            ;;      \
            esac;           \
            $${CC} -o ${TMP}/$${mode}/$@ ${TMP}/$@.c;       \

I don't really use makefiles or c , but I have to deal with this one. 我不是真的使用makefilesc ,但是我必须处理这个。

My questions are: 我的问题是:

  1. Why does for loop need a @ prefix? 为什么for循环需要@前缀?
  2. What is the $? 什么是$? in the for loop? 在for循环中?
  3. What would be a possible execution of this makefile? 此makefile可能执行什么操作? Obviously it tries to compile my certify. 显然,它试图汇编我的证明。 c file based on the architecture of the system executing or something like this, but I fail to see how it will choose either i386 or amd64 etc. 基于执行或类似系统的体系结构的c file ,但是我看不到它将如何选择i386amd64等。

I am using an x86 system running RHEL . 我正在使用运行RHELx86系统。

  1. @ prefix is used for suppressing command print by make . @前缀用于禁止make打印命令。 If it is not present, make will print command before execution to output. 如果不存在, make将在执行之前打印命令以输出。

    You can remove it and see the difference. 您可以将其删除并查看区别。

  2. $? is the dependency list. 是依赖项列表。 In your particular case ARCH is defined as a single entry "x86_64". 在您的特定情况下, ARCH被定义为单个条目“ x86_64”。 So $? 那么$? will be expanded into that value. 将扩展为该值。 But you can try to modify ARCH value in the following way: 但是您可以尝试通过以下方式修改ARCH值:

     ARCH=x86_64 i386 
  3. It tries to build certify binary for a given architecture from cerfify.c source file. 它尝试从cerfify.c源文件构建给定体系结构的certify二进制文件。 Each binary will be located in own sub-directory: 每个二进制文件将位于自己的子目录中:

  1. @ is used to suppress the normal 'echo' of the command that is executed. @用于禁止执行的命令的正常“回显”。 Using it in the for loop is also new to me (does removing it change anything in the output?) 在for循环中使用它对我来说也是新的(删除它会更改输出中的任何内容吗?)

  2. $? is one of the makefile automatic variables , this one means "The names of all the prerequisites that are newer than the target, with spaces between them" makefile自动变量之一 ,它的意思是"The names of all the prerequisites that are newer than the target, with spaces between them"

  3. It will iterate through $? 它将遍历$? , read above , 阅读以上部分

Edit: 编辑:

Example of $? $?例子

targetfile : firstfile secondfile thirdfile
    cat $? > $@

if targetfile is older than all the other 3 files , the makefile will concatenate the contents of firstfile , secondfile and thirdfile together in targetfile . 如果targetfile比其他3个文件年纪大了 ,makefile文件将拼接的内容firstfilesecondfilethirdfile在一起targetfile

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