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[英]C# EF6 index attribute not working

I'm trying to combine two fields into a unique index with EF6. 我正在尝试将两个字段组合成一个带有EF6的唯一索引。 But the update-database command won't add the 'Owner' field into the index. 但update-database命令不会将“Owner”字段添加到索引中。 I'm thinking it's because it's not a primitive type but a FK, but I'm unsure how to fix it. 我在想它是因为它不是原始类型而是FK,但我不确定如何解决它。

public class Fund
    public int FundId { get; set; }

    [Index("IX_FundNameAndOwner", IsUnique = true, Order = 1)]
    [Index("IX_FundIdentifierAndOwner", IsUnique = true, Order=1)]
    public ApplicationUser Owner { get; set; }

    [Index("IX_FundNameAndOwner", IsUnique = true, Order=2)]
    public string Name { get; set; }

    [Index("IX_FundIdentifierAndOwner", IsUnique = true, Order=2)]
    public string Identifier { get; set; }

    public double Balance { get; set; }

Generated indexes: 生成的索引:

CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_FundIdentifierAndOwner] ON [dbo].[Funds]([Identifier] ASC); 创建独特的非集群索引[IX_FundIdentifierAndOwner] ON [dbo]。[Funds]([Identifier] ASC);

CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_FundNameAndOwner] ON [dbo].[Funds]([Name] ASC); 创建独特的非集群索引[IX_FundNameAndOwner] ON [dbo]。[Funds]([Name] ASC);

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Owner_Id] ON [dbo].[Funds]([Owner_Id] ASC); 创建非集群索引[IX_Owner_Id] ON [dbo]。[Funds]([Owner_Id] ASC);

Any help is greatly appreciated! 任何帮助是极大的赞赏!

When you create a navigation property (reference to another table) you should specify the column name to use as foreign key. 创建导航属性(引用另一个表)时,应指定要用作外键的列名。 If you don't do that EF assumes it is a column named Objectname_Id. 如果不这样做,EF假定它是一个名为Objectname_Id的列。

You can see in the sql code that it called your column [Owner_Id]. 您可以在sql代码中看到它调用了您的列[Owner_Id]。 The problem is that when you do it this way you have no control on the data annotations for that column. 问题是,当您这样做时,您无法控制该列的数据注释。

Try this 试试这个

public class Fund
    public int FundId { get; set; }

    [Index("IX_FundNameAndOwner", IsUnique = true, Order = 1)]
    [Index("IX_FundIdentifierAndOwner", IsUnique = true, Order = 1)]
    public int OwnerId { get; set; } // <---- ADD THIS!

    public virtual ApplicationUser Owner { get; set; }

    [Index("IX_FundNameAndOwner", IsUnique = true, Order = 2)]
    public string Name { get; set; }

    [Index("IX_FundIdentifierAndOwner", IsUnique = true, Order = 2)]
    public string Identifier { get; set; }

    public double Balance { get; set; }

Adding a column named ObjectId (or Objec_Id) EF understands by convention that the column is for the property Owner. 添加名为ObjectId(或Objec_Id)的列EF按惯例理解该列是属性所有者。

This is the script generated by the migration: 这是迁移生成的脚本:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Funds] (
    [FundId] [int] NOT NULL IDENTITY,
    [OwnerId] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Name] [nvarchar](25) NOT NULL,
    [Identifier] [nvarchar](25) NOT NULL,
    [Balance] [float] NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT [PK_dbo.Funds] PRIMARY KEY ([FundId])
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [IX_FundIdentifierAndOwner] ON [dbo].[Funds]([OwnerId], [Identifier])
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [IX_FundNameAndOwner] ON [dbo].[Funds]([OwnerId], [Name])

Here is an explanation of the default Code First Conventions . 以下是默认Code First Conventions的说明

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