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[英]Don't work directive in angular

I am only start study angular and want understand why my code doesn't work. 我只是开始学习角度知识,想了解为什么我的代码不起作用。 Code: 码:

var app = angular.module('app', ['appModule']).config(function ($interpolateProvider) {

var appModule = angular.module('appModule', []);
appModule.directive('name', function(){
        restrict   : 'E',        
        scope      : {},      
        //transclude : true,      // it has HTML content
        link       : function(scope, element, attrs, controllers){
            scope.fullName = attrs.first + " " + attrs.second
        tempalte   : '<h1>[[ fullName ]]</h1>'

In my html 在我的HTML中

<name data-first="Jack" data-second="Nollan"></name>
<name data-first="Chris" data-second="John"></name>

I include angular and my scripts. 我包括角度和我的脚本。 Angular work, i test. 有角的工作,我测试。 My code in result print nothing ( Can anybody help me? 结果中的我的代码什么也没打印(有人可以帮我吗?

PS If you can explain what do this transclude : true, i will be very grateful. PS:如果您能解释一下这是什么意思transclude : true,好的transclude : true,我将不胜感激。

Firstly, template is spelt incorrectly in the directive and secondly, in the HTML you need to use {{ fullName }} instead of [[ fullName ]] 首先,指令中的模板拼写错误,其次,在HTML中,您需要使用{{ fullName }}而不是[[ fullName ]]

Your directive should be: 您的指令应为:

var appModule = angular.module('appModule', []);
appModule.directive('name', function(){
  return {
      restrict   : 'E',        
      scope      : {},      
      //transclude : true,      // it has HTML content
      link       : function(scope, element, attrs, controllers){
          scope.fullName = attrs.first + " " + attrs.second
      template   : '<h1>{{ fullName }}</h1>'

Here is a plnkr 这是一个plnkr

Transclude: Using transclude allows you to inject HTML into your directive. Transclude:使用transclude允许您将HTML注入指令中。 In the directive itself you can place the ng-transclude directive and Angular will replace this with the HTML you want to inject. 在指令本身中,您可以放置ng-transclude指令,Angular会将其替换为您要注入的HTML。

In your example if you wanted to display the text 'says hello' after the name of the person you could change your directive to this: 在您的示例中,如果您想在人员名称后显示文本“ says hello”,则可以将指令更改为此:

var appModule = angular.module('appModule', []);
appModule.directive('name', function(){
    restrict   : 'E',        
    scope      : {},      
    transclude : true,      // it has HTML content
    link       : function(scope, element, attrs, controllers){
        scope.fullName = attrs.first + " " + attrs.second
    template   : '<h1>{{ fullName }} <ng-transclude></ng-transclude></h1>'

In your HTML you can then enter the text in the <name /> element like so: 然后,您可以在HTML中的<name />元素中输入文本,如下所示:

<name first="Jack" second="Nollan"> says Hello</name>

Angular will then insert the text 'says Hello' wherever you have placed the ng-transclude directive in your directive template. 然后,只要将ng-transclude指令放在指令模板中的任何位置,Angular都会插入文本“ says Hello”。 Here is a plnkr showing this. 这是显示此内容的plnkr

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