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什么Akka Java类用来实现Future回调?

[英]What Akka Java classes to implement Future callbacks with?

Akka Java here. Akka Java在这里。 My classes: 我的课程:

class SomeActor extends UntypedActor {
    // ...

class SomeMessage {
    // ...

// Inside onReceive method for another actor:
Future<Fizz> fizzFut = Patterns.ask(someActor, someMsg, 500)
fizzFut.onComplete(new FizzHandler())

class FizzHandler extends akka.dispatch.OnComplete<Fizz> {
    void onComplete(Throwable error, Fizz result) {
        if(error != null) {
            // Handle error.
        } else {
            // Handle success.

        // TODO: Now how do I send a message back "inside" the
        // actor system?

At runtime I get the following exception: 在运行时,我得到以下异常:

[ERROR] [08/23/2015 05:55:09.490] [myapp-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-4]
[akka://myapp/user/AnotherActor] No signature of method: 
scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise.onComplete() is applicable for argument
types: (com.me.myapp.FizzHandler) values: [<function1>]
Possible solutions: onComplete(scala.Function1, scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext),
isCompleted(), complete(scala.util.Try), tryComplete(scala.util.Try)

So I tried implementing a scala.Function subclass but apparently that class is final and cannot be extended. 所以我尝试实现了一个scala.Function子类,但显然该类是final ,无法扩展。

So two concerns here: 这里有两个问题:

  • I can't decipher what Java API classes I should be using for my onComplete handler. 我无法破译我应该为我的onComplete处理程序使用的Java API类。 Any ideas?; 有任何想法吗?; and
  • Once I get this working, and the FizzHandler#onComplete(...) method is running, how do I send a message back "inside" my actor system? 一旦我开始工作,并且FizzHandler#onComplete(...)方法正在运行,我如何在我的演员系统“内部”发回消息? The Inbox ? Inbox

Using Akka 2.3.8 and scala 2.10 : 使用Akka 2.3.8和scala 2.10

I use the separate onFailure and onSuccess methods which take an akka.dispatch.OnFailure and akka.dispatch.OnSuccess<T> respectively. 我使用单独的 onFailureonSuccess方法,分别采用akka.dispatch.OnFailureakka.dispatch.OnSuccess<T> For example: 例如:

future.onFailure(new OnFailure() {
    public void onFailure(Throwable failure) throws Throwable {
        // handle failure
}, context().dispatcher());


future.onSuccess(new OnSuccess<Object>() {
    public void onSuccess(Object result) throws Throwable {
        // handle successful value return
}, context().dispatcher());

(if you're calling this outside an actor you'll have to change where you get the dispatcher) (如果你在演员之外打电话给你,你必须改变调度员的位置)

In your example using onComplete you're missing the dispatcher. 在使用onComplete的示例中,您缺少调度程序。 onComplete takes 2 parameters - the handler function and the dispatcher which should be used to run the call-back on once it's ready. onComplete接受2个参数 - handler函数和dispatcher handler ,它应该用于在准备就绪后运行回调。 So the fixed sample is: 所以固定样本是:

    import akka.actor.ActorSystem;
    import akka.dispatch.Futures;
    import akka.dispatch.OnComplete;
    import scala.concurrent.Future;
    import scala.runtime.BoxedUnit;

    final ActorSystem sys = ActorSystem.create();

    final Future<String> successful = Futures.successful("");
    successful.onComplete(new OnComplete<String>() {
        public void onComplete(Throwable failure, String success) throws Throwable {

    }, sys.dispatcher());

Note that once Scala 2.12 hits it's stable release and Akka compiles using it (soon) it will emit FunctionN classes in a compatible way with Java lambda expressions, then you'll be able to write onComplete(d -> {}, dispatcher) . 请注意,一旦Scala 2.12命中它的稳定版本并且Akka使用它(很快)编译它将以兼容的方式使用Java lambda表达式发出FunctionN类,然后您将能够编写onComplete(d -> {}, dispatcher)

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