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[英]differentiating dynamic RTP payloads using type 97

When receiving and parsing RTP audio, how do I differentiate between the various payload types that all use the same dynamic payload type in the RTP header? 在接收和解析RTP音频时,如何区分在RTP标头中都使用相同动态有效载荷类型的各种有效载荷类型? For example, I've got both Speex and iLBC packets coming in and both specify payload type 97 in the RTP header. 例如,我同时收到Speex和iLBC数据包,并且都在RTP标头中指定了有效载荷类型97。 How else can I tell them apart? 我还能如何区分他们?

有效负载类型96-127属于动态有效负载类型(请参阅RFC3551 ),这意味着如果您需要有关媒体类型的更多信息,则需要SDP。

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