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[英]Swift - How to use integrate SwiftValidator into my project

I've got a login form which takes 2 alternate forms dependent on how a user taps a segmented control .... either as a register form with email, password, and repeat password; 我有一个登录表单,该表单有2种备用表单,具体取决于用户如何点击分段控件....作为带有电子邮件,密码和重复密码的注册表单; or as a login form with just email and password. 或作为仅包含电子邮件和密码的登录表单。

When a user fills out the register or login fields and taps the register/login button ... I log the user in using code along the lines of ... 当用户填写注册或登录字段并点击注册/登录按钮时...我使用代码沿...的行登录用户...

    @IBAction func loginRegisterTapped(sender: AnyObject) {
       //check whether the sender tag is registerTag (in which case a new user is registering or alternately returning user logging in 
       //do various checks and if all good submit the form

Ive recently copied over a validation library (SwiftValidator) to my project, and configured it to also validate fields when the login/register button is tapped ie i insert the validation code above my own code in the loginRegisterTapped ibaction method. Ive最近将验证库(SwiftValidator)复制到我的项目中,并将其配置为在点击登录/注册按钮时也验证字段,即在我自己的代码上方将验证代码插入loginRegisterTapped ibaction方法中。 My code after integrating SwiftValidator essentially becomes 集成SwiftValidator之后,我的代码本质上变成了

@IBAction func loginRegisterTapped(sender: AnyObject) {
       //check whether the sender tag is registerTag (in which case a new user is registering or alternately returning user logging in 
       //do various checks and if all good submit the form

The SwiftValidator library ends us calling 2 delegate methods (in my LoginViewController) on validation success or failure as follows SwiftValidator库结束时,我们在验证成功或失败时调用了2个委托方法(在我的LoginViewController中),如下所示

    // SwiftValidator library Delegate methods
func validationSuccessful() {
    // submit the form
func validationFailed(errors:[UITextField:ValidationError]) {
    // turn the fields to red
    for (field, error) in validator.errors {
        field.layer.borderColor = UIColor.redColor().CGColor
        field.layer.borderWidth = 1.0
        error.errorLabel?.text = error.errorMessage // works if you added labels
        error.errorLabel?.hidden = false

Given validation is successful, how can i get code to return to my @IBAction func loginRegisterTapped(sender: AnyObject) method and continue with my own form submission code (... I need a reference to the sender to check it's tag to determine whether the button was tapped as a "Register" button or a "Login" button) rather than conducting the form submission as suggested by the SwiftValidator library within it's validationSuccessful delegate method where i dont have access to the sender var. 给定验证成功,我如何获取代码以返回到我的@IBAction函数func loginRegisterTapped(sender:AnyObject)方法,并继续执行自己的表单提交代码(...我需要引用发送方以检查其标签以确定是否该按钮被点击为“注册”按钮或“登录”按钮),而不是如SwiftValidator库所建议的那样在其ValidationSuccessful委托方法中进行表单提交,而我无法访问发送方var。 ie what options do i have here or what would be considered best practice? 即,我在这里有什么选择或被认为是最佳实践? ... I thought of customizing the validationSuccessful method to return perhaps a bool to the calling function but doubt if that's the best way? ...我想自定义validationSuccessful方法以将布尔值返回给调用函数,但怀疑这是否是最佳方法?

IMHO, I'd do the successful form submission in the validationSuccessful() method, not in your own action method. 恕我直言,我会使用validationSuccessful()方法而不是您自己的操作方法来成功提交表单。 I'd avoid using tags to differentiate the login and register buttons, and instead have each one call a separate action method. 我会避免使用标签来区分登录按钮和注册按钮,而是让每个调用单独的操作方法。 You're not saving any time, code, or logical clarity by handling them both with the same handler. 通过使用相同的处理程序来处理它们,不会节省任何时间,代码或逻辑清晰度。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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