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在RDP会话Windows Server 2012中查找用户断开连接时间

[英]find user disconnection time in RDP session Windows server 2012

We have a pool of develop machines where developers log in through RDP and usually they doesn't log off but just disconnect. 我们有一个开发机器池,开发人员通过RDP登录,通常他们不会注销但只是断开连接。 As local administrator I can force the log off but I would like to check when the user disconnected. 作为本地管理员,我可以强制注销,但我想检查用户何时断开连接。

From task manager I can see only the user name and its status 从任务管理器,我只能看到用户名及其状态


Is there a way to discover when the user disconnected using task manager, powershell, cmd or whatever? 有没有办法发现用户在使用任务管理器,PowerShell,cmd或其他什么时断开连接?

You can use windows command query user UserName /server: ServerName or you can just enter query user /server: ServerName to find out all active or disconnected sessions. 您可以使用Windows命令查询用户UserName / server: ServerName ,也可以只输入查询用户/服务器: ServerName以查找所有活动或断开连接的会话。

Below is the sample output, I have blurred out my info for privacy: 下面是示例输出,我已经模糊了我的隐私信息:


I have also created a PowerShell script to do this task automatically, here is the link Powershell to find out disconnected RDP session and log off at the same time 我还创建了一个自动执行此任务的PowerShell脚本,这里是链接Powershell以找出断开连接的RDP会话并同时注销

You can start the Windows Event Viewer and check under Windows logs --> Security . 您可以启动Windows事件查看器并在Windows logs --> Security下进行检查。 Filter by 'Task Category = Logoff' . 'Task Category = Logoff'过滤。

You can export it to xml for easier reading. 您可以将其导出到xml以便于阅读。


As far as I know this is not in the security logs. 据我所知,这不在安全日志中。 The correct place to look for is in Microsoft Event Viewer under Applications and Services Logs => Microsoft => Windows => TerminalServices-LocalSessionManager => Operational and then under the Operational logs. 要查找的正确位置是在Microsoft Event Viewer Applications and Services Logs => Microsoft => Windows => TerminalServices-LocalSessionManager => Operational ,然后在Operational logs下。

The eventID to look for is ID24 (disconnected user session). 要查找的eventID是ID24(断开连接的用户会话)。 EventID 25 is a reconnect. EventID 25是重新连接。

Start-->Run-->Eventvwr-->Windows logs-->Security. 开始 - >运行 - > Eventvwr - > Windows日志 - >安全性。 Filter by 'Task Category = Logoff' 按'任务类别=注销'过滤

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