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Wildfly ActiveMQ集成-消息子系统

[英]Wildfly activemq integration - messaging subsystem

I am integrating activemq in wildfly and following this guide 我正在将activemq集成到wildfly中并遵循本指南

  • If I define resource-adapter for activemq standalone-full-ha.xml , shall I leave messaging subsystem (default settings hornetq ) as it is or do I need to remove messaging subsystem? 如果我为activemq standalone-full-ha.xml定义了resource-adapter ,是否应该保持消息传递子系统(默认设置hornetqactivemq standalone-full-ha.xml ,还是需要删除消息传递子系统?

  • If I remove messaging subsystem, what will be the value of jms-connection-factory under default-bindings of ee subsystem? 如果删除消息传递子系统,那么在ee子系统的默认绑定下, jms-connection-factory的值是什么?

Any help will be appreciated. 任何帮助将不胜感激。

I have removed messaging subsystem. 我已删除邮件子系统。

ConnectionFactory under resource-adapter subsystem becomes the default value of jms-connection-factory under ee subsystem. resource-adapter子系统下的ConnectionFactory成为ee子系统下jms-connection-factory的默认值。

For ex: jms-connection-factory="java:/ActiveMQ/QueueConnectionFactory" 例如:jms-connection-factory =“ java:/ ActiveMQ / QueueConnectionFactory”

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