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[英]How to send email through SMTP protocol using CSharp and proxy network?

I am working in a project , In which i will be retrieving the password of the user from the database and mail it to the user email id. 我正在一个项目中工作,在该项目中,我将从数据库中检索用户的密码并将其发送给用户的电子邮件ID。 For this i am using SMTP protocol. 为此,我正在使用SMTP协议。 But i was not able to send the mail from my application. 但是我无法从我的应用程序发送邮件。 I am using proxy network in the company in which i am working. 我在我正在工作的公司中使用代理网络。 I think using proxy network is the reason for getting error while sending the email. 我认为使用代理网络是发送电子邮件时出错的原因。 Is there any alternate solution for sending the email through SMTP protocol from a proxy network. 是否有其他替代解决方案,用于从代理网络通过SMTP协议发送电子邮件。

code used. 使用的代码。

    MailMessage mm = new MailMessage("sender@gmail.com", txtEmail.Text.Trim());
        mm.Subject = "Password Recovery";
        mm.Body = string.Format("Hi {0},<br /><br />Your password is {1}.<br /><br />Thank You.", username, password);
        mm.IsBodyHtml = true;
        SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient();
        smtp.Host = "smtp.gmail.com";
        smtp.EnableSsl = true;
        NetworkCredential NetworkCred = new NetworkCredential();
        NetworkCred.UserName = "sender@gmail.com";
        NetworkCred.Password = "senderpassword";
        smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
        smtp.Credentials = NetworkCred;
        smtp.Port = 587;
        lblMessage.ForeColor = Color.Green;
        lblMessage.Text = "Password has been sent to your email address.";

Exception image: 异常图片:



    WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy = new WebProxy("",8580);

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