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Nuget 包管理器控制台 - 包不包含清单

[英]Nuget package manager console - Package does not contain a manifest

I suddenly get this error on every package I try to update/reinstall in my project.. How can I start to debug this problem?我突然在我的项目中尝试更新/重新安装的每个包上都收到此错误。我该如何开始调试此问题? Does the package manager create a log file with more details than this?包管理器是否会创建一个包含更多详细信息的日志文件? Where is the manifest that it does not find?它找不到的清单在哪里?

Same package in different project but same solution works fine.不同项目中的相同包但相同的解决方案工作正常。


I m having the same issue.I think it might be a nuget version issue.I tried to install the package at my visual studio 2013, with nuget version is and i got the same error.我遇到了同样的问题。我认为这可能是 nuget 版本问题。我尝试在我的 Visual Studio 2013 中安装该软件包,nuget 版本是,我遇到了同样的错误。 Then i tried installing the same package at my visual studio 2015, running nuget version and the package got installed successfully.然后我尝试在我的 Visual Studio 2015 中安装相同的软件包,运行 nuget 版本 并且该软件包安装成功。 So if i were you i would check my nuget version.所以如果我是你,我会检查我的 nuget 版本。

I faced two different problems:我遇到了两个不同的问题:

  • the tool used to compress the folder (like Compress-Archive)用于压缩文件夹的工具(如 Compress-Archive)
    adds the root folder name inside the compressed file https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/14312在压缩文件中添加根文件夹名称https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/14312
  • the tool used to compress the folder has a compression method incompatible用于压缩文件夹的工具的压缩方法不兼容
    with the client trying to unzip the .nupkg file.客户端尝试解压缩 .nupkg 文件。
    For example, in my case the System.IO.Compression.ZipFile class used to compress the content of the folder was incompatible with the client extraction capabilities.例如,在我的例子中,用于压缩文件夹内容的System.IO.Compression.ZipFile类与客户端提取功能不兼容。
    However, when I manually compressed the same folder content但是,当我手动压缩相同的文件夹内容时
    with Right-click\\Send To\\Compressed (Zipped) Folder , it was working fine.使用Right-click\\Send To\\Compressed (Zipped) Folder ,它工作正常。

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