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[英]Azure Automation: VM shutdown runbook not working on new VM

I recently had to delete and re-install my VM due to an issue with the VM locking up. 由于VM锁定问题,最近我不得不删除并重新安装VM。 Now that the VM is back online, I noticed the shutdown automation is not working. 现在,虚拟机已恢复联机状态,我注意到关机自动化无法正常工作。 It was working fine before I ran into the issue with the VM. 在遇到虚拟机问题之前,它运行良好。 Below is the PS script from the runbook, it returns the following error: 以下是Runbook的PS脚本,它返回以下错误:

Correlation ID: 72fa8e58-89f1-4612-bc43-1b05876c2bff
Timestamp: 2015-08-25 06:04:14Z: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
At Shutdown:6 char:6
+ CategoryInfo          : CloseError: (:) [Add-AzureAccount], AadAuthenticationFailedException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Profile.AddAzureAccount

8/24/2015 11:04:25 PM, Error: Get-azurevm : No default subscription has been designated. 
Use Select-AzureSubscription -Default <subscriptionName> to set the default subscription.
At Shutdown:8 char:8
+ CategoryInfo          : CloseError: (:) [Get-AzureVM], ApplicationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.ServiceManagement.IaaS.GetAzureVMCommand

Any idea what I am missing to get this working with new VM? 知道我要与新VM一起使用时缺少什么吗? I have been wracking my brain for something with the credentials that would not include this new VM, but have come up empty handed. 我一直在为某些不包含此新VM的凭据而费劲,但是空手而归。

workflow Shutdown
    $Cred = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name "auto" 
    Add-AzureAccount -Credential $Cred 

    $vms = Get-azurevm 

    foreach($VM in $VMS)
        $VMName = $VM.Name 
        Stop-AzureVM -ServiceName $VM.ServiceName -Name $VM.Name -Force
        Write-Output "Shutting down VM :  $VMName "

I think you should also add the subscription name (select-azuresubscription in the error log) in the script you are using. 我认为您还应该在所使用的脚本中添加订阅名称(错误日志中的select-azuresubscription)。 There are quite some examples of doing this in various ways in the TechNet Script libraries like this one https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Stop-Azure-VM-with-OrgID-41a79d91 在诸如此类的TechNet脚本库中,有许多以各种方式执行此操作的示例,例如https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Stop-Azure-VM-with-OrgID-41a79d91

I created a new user, granted them admin rights to the subscription, and updated the credential. 我创建了一个新用户,授予他们管理权限认购,并更新了证书。 That seemed to fix it, guessing it was something with the existing co-admin account not having access to the new VM. 似乎可以解决此问题,因为现有的共同管理员帐户无法访问新的VM可能导致了问题。

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