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如何配置Visual Studio Code以将扩展名为.js以外的文件识别为Javascript

[英]How can I configure Visual Studio Code to recognize files with extensions other than .js as Javascript

We have a QA tool (SmartBear's TestComplete) that uses javascript as a scripting language, but names the file with a ".sj" extension instead of ".js". 我们有一个质量检查工具(SmartBear的TestComplete),它使用javascript作为脚本语言,但是使用扩展名“ .sj”而不是“ .js”来命名文件。 I would like to use Visual Studio Code to edit those files, with all the nice intellisense and other tooling that comes with it, but I can't figure out how to configure it to recognize .sj files as javascript files. 我想使用Visual Studio Code编辑这些文件,并附带所有不错的intellisense和其他工具,但是我不知道如何配置它以将.sj文件识别为javascript文件。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

Answering my own question, just for future readers that may be searching for the same thing. 回答我自己的问题,仅适用于可能正在寻找相同事物的未来读者。

According to a tweet from @code , this is not yet possible, but is coming "soon". 根据@code的推文 ,这还不可能,但很快就会到来。

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