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如何停止localhost:// 8080上的Apache / Tomcat服务器?

[英]How do I stop Apache/Tomcat server on localhost://8080?

I keep getting errors when trying to serve files locally. 尝试在本地提供文件时,我总是收到错误消息。 I am using Tomcat on port 8080. 我在端口8080上使用Tomcat。

When using Eclipse, I get the following error message: 使用Eclipse时,出现以下错误消息:

Several ports (8080, 8009) required by Tomcat v8.0 Server at localhost are already in use. Tomcat v8.0 Server在本地主机所需的几个端口(8080、8009)已在使用中。 The server may already be running in another process, or a system process may be using the port. 服务器可能已经在另一个进程中运行,或者系统进程可能正在使用该端口。 To start this server you will need to stop the other process or change the port number(s). 要启动此服务器,您将需要停止其他进程或更改端口号。


How do I stop the server on port 8080 if I don't know which process started it? 如果不知道哪个进程启动了服务器,该如何在端口8080上停止服务器?

Try to go with a web browser to: 尝试使用网络浏览器进行以下操作:

localhost:8080 or and localhost:8009 or 本地主机:8080或127.0.0.1:8080本地主机:8009或127.0.0.1:8009

There you could see which service is running on those ports. 在那里,您可以看到哪些服务正在这些端口上运行。

Then it will be more simple to understand what you have to stop. 这样一来,您便可以轻松了解要停止的工作。

EDIT: You could use a prompt and the command: 编辑:您可以使用提示和命令:

netstat -b

-b it will show the name of the executable running on a port. -b将显示在端口上运行的可执行文件的名称。

For understanding how it works here a good explanation. 为了了解其工作原理, 这里提供了很好的解释。

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