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[英]Highchart, bar chart with multiple series

How can I display a bar chart with multiple series: 如何显示多个系列的条形图:

http://jsfiddle.net/qyd6w5tx/1/ http://jsfiddle.net/qyd6w5tx/1/

$(function () {

        "chart": {
            "style": {
                "fontFamily": "Arial, sans-serif"
                "alignTicks": false,
                "marginRight": 20,
                "height": 334
            "tooltip": {
            "pointFormat": "<span style=\"color:{series.color}\">●</span> <span style=\"{series.options.style.pct}\">({point.percentage:,.2f}%)</span> <b style=\"{series.options.style.abs}\">{point.value:,.2f}</b><br/>"
            "xAxis": {
            "type": "category",
                "reversed": false,
                "labels": {}
            "yAxis": [{
            "title": {
                "text": null
                "index": 0
        }, {
            "title": {
                "text": null
                "labels": {
                "format": "{value}%"
                "index": 1,
                "min": -0.39,
                "max": 9.99
        }, {
            "title": {
                "text": null
                "labels": {
                "format": "{value}%"
                "opposite": true,
                "index": 2
            "legend": {
            "borderWidth": 0,
                "enabled": false
            "plotOptions": {
            "bar": {
                "dataLabels": {
                    "enabled": true,
                        "style": {
                        "textShadow": "none"
                        "allowOverlap": true
                    "minPointLength": 2

            "credits": {
            "enabled": false
            "series": [{
            "name": "Group A",
                "type": "bar",
                "format": "pct",
                "top_value": "",
                "min_percent": "",
                "style": {
                "abs": "display: none"
                "data": [{
                "name": "Test 01",
                    "value": 0.8,
                    "percentage": 0.8,
                    "y": 0.8
            }, {
                "name": "Test 02",
                    "value": 2,
                    "percentage": 2,
                    "y": 2
            }, {
                "name": "Test 03",
                    "value": -0.5,
                    "percentage": -0.5,
                    "y": -0.5
            }, {
                "name": "Test 04",
                    "value": 2.33,
                    "percentage": 2.33,
                    "y": 2.33
                "yAxis": 1
        }, {
            "name": "Group B",
                "type": "bar",
                "format": "pct",
                "top_value": "",
                "min_percent": "",
                "style": {
                "abs": "display: none"
                "data": [{
                "name": "Test 05",
                    "value": 9,
                    "percentage": 9,
                    "y": 9
            }, {
                "name": "Test 06",
                    "value": 9,
                    "percentage": 9,
                    "y": 9
            }, {
                "name": "Test 07",
                    "value": 3,
                    "percentage": 3,
                    "y": 3
                "yAxis": 1
            "title": {
            "text": "Test"


In this example I would like to display one after the other: 在此示例中,我要一个接一个显示:

  • Test 01 测试01
  • Test 02 测试02
  • Test 03 测试03
  • Test 04 测试04
  • Test 05 测试05
  • Test 06 测试06
  • Test 07 测试07

And then have the Group A in blue and the Group B in red, and display a legend under the chart with: - Group A (in blue) - Group B (in red) 然后将A组显示为蓝色,将B组显示为红色,并在图表下显示以下图例:-A组(蓝色)-B组(红色)

I am bit confused with how to make this with highchart... 我对如何用highchart制作这个表感到困惑...

Edit: 编辑:

Thanks to Rotan075 to understand my problem and to find a solution. 感谢Rotan075理解我的问题并找到解决方案。 http://jsfiddle.net/hw5s4ahm/ http://jsfiddle.net/hw5s4ahm/

Actually I didn't specify that need to keep the same data structure for the series: 实际上,我没有指定需要为该系列保留相同的数据结构:

         "series": [{
            "name": "Group A",
                "type": "bar",
                "format": "pct",
                "top_value": "",
                "min_percent": "",
                "style": {
                "abs": "display: none"
                "data": [{
                "name": "Test 01",
                    "value": 0.8,
                    "percentage": 0.8,
                    "y": 0.8
            }, {
                "name": "Test 02",
                    "value": 2,
                    "percentage": 2,
                    "y": 2
            }, {
                "name": "Test 03",
                    "value": -0.5,
                    "percentage": -0.5,
                    "y": -0.5
            }, {
                "name": "Test 04",
                    "value": 2.33,
                    "percentage": 2.33,
                    "y": 2.33
                "yAxis": 1
        }, {
            "name": "Group B",
                "type": "bar",
                "format": "pct",
                "top_value": "",
                "min_percent": "",
                "style": {
                "abs": "display: none"
                "data": [{
                "name": "Test 05",
                    "value": 9,
                    "percentage": 9,
                    "y": 9
            }, {
                "name": "Test 06",
                    "value": 9,
                    "percentage": 9,
                    "y": 9
            }, {
                "name": "Test 07",
                    "value": 3,
                    "percentage": 3,
                    "y": 3
                "yAxis": 1

The rest can change, but this data is generated by a third part level and has to stay generic. 其余的可以更改,但是此数据由第三方生成,并且必须保持通用。 I thought it would be just a question of settings but it seem to be much more complicated. 我以为这只是设置的问题,但似乎要复杂得多。

For what I understood out of your code is that you have data for Group A and group B right? 从您的代码中我了解到的是,您拥有A组和B组的数据,对吗? What you have to do is make two data list with each of the same length. 您要做的是制作两个长度相同的数据列表。 If there is no data for the specific group you have to add a null value to it. 如果没有特定组的数据,则必须为其添加一个null值。 Otherwise Highcharts combines the group A and group B for every Test x. 否则,Highcharts将针对每个测试x组合A组和B组。

What you need is this code (live on JSFiddle) : 您需要的是这段代码(在JSFiddle上运行)

$(function () {
        chart: {
            type: 'column',
            inverted: true

        plotOptions: {
            series: {
                dataLabels: {
                    enabled: true,
                    formatter:function() {                                                  
                        if(this.y > 0){
                            return this.y;
                            return this.point.y;   
        yAxis: {
            allowDecimals: false,
            min: -1,
            labels: {
                formatter: function () {
                    return this.value + '%';
            title: {
                text: '   ',

        xAxis: {
            categories: ['Test1', 'Test2', 'Test3', 'Test4', 'Test5','Test6','Test7']

        legend: {
            enabled: true,
            floating: true,
            verticalAlign: 'bottom',
            backgroundColor: (Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.legendBackgroundColor) || '#FFFFFF',
            borderWidth: 1,

        series: [{
            name: 'GroupA',
            color: 'rgba(223, 83, 83, .5)',
            data: [{y:null},{y:null}, {y:null}, {y:null}, {y:2.9}, {y:0.5}, {y:1.5}]
            name: 'GroupB',
            color: 'rgba(119, 152, 191, .5)',
            data: [{y:6.5}, {y:3.9}, {y:8.5}, {y:6.6},{y:null},{y:null},{y:null}]            
            title: {
            text: "Test"


PS For aligning the Legend on the bottom of your graph I did that in a quite hackish way. 附注:为了使图例底部的图例对齐,我以一种非常怪异的方式做到了这一点。 I use as title text just blank space and place the legend above it. 我仅将空白用作标题文本,并在其上方放置图例。 You can modify it in whatever you want. 您可以根据需要进行修改。

Most of what you are asking for should be handled by the default behavior of highcharts. 您要求的大多数内容应由highcharts的默认行为处理。

-You can specify the color for each series within the series options: -您可以在系列选项中为每个系列指定颜色:

series: [{
  name: 'Group A',
  color: 'rgba(0,156,255,0.9)',
  data: [...]
  name: 'Group B',
  color: 'rgba(204,0,0,0.9)',
  data: randomData(7)

-You can set your x axis labels via the categories option: -您可以通过类别选项设置x轴标签:

xAxis: { 
  categories: ['Test 01','Test 02','Test 03','Test 04','Test 05','Test 06','Test 07']

-The chart will group them by default -默认情况下,图表会将它们分组

-The legend will be aligned below the chart by default (no hacks required) -默认情况下,图例将在图表下方对齐(无需黑客攻击)

Example in action: 实际示例:

Updated example using your data: 使用数据更新了示例:

Adds a min and max value to the x axis to always show each category 向x轴添加一个最小值和最大值以始终显示每个类别

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