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[英]Why am I getting status 10000 from Gimbal registering the api key?

I am integrating the Gimbal SDK following their documentation. 我正在按照他们的文档集成Gimbal SDK。 I have the framework, requisite lib, bridge-header, import of framework. 我有框架,必要的库,桥头,框架的导入。 I discovered some problems with the bundle and api-key when using spaces or dashes in the names, so I have simplified the project name. 在名称中使用空格或破折号时,我发现了bundle和api-key的一些问题,因此我简化了项目名称。

I created the project with bundle name (ie, %PRODUCT_NAME) of POCGimbalNoPunctuationBundleId and the bundle ID prefix is com.mycompany.ios 我使用POCGimbalNoPunctuationBundleId的捆绑包名称(即%PRODUCT_NAME)创建了项目,捆绑包ID前缀为com.mycompany.ios

I then created the API key in Gimbal Manager using the product name, bundle ID prefix that generated a key that I copied into my appdelegate code. 然后,我使用产品名称(捆绑ID前缀)在Gimbal Manager中创建了API密钥,该密钥生成了我复制到我的appdelegate代码中的密钥。

The set-apikey is invoked and the SDK logs: 调用set-apikey,SDK记录:

2015-08-25 19:14:32:078 POCGimbalNoPunctuationBundleId[17282:607] Request (v10/registration/) failed: Error Domain=QLRestTemplateErrorDomain Code=-1011 "Expected status code in (200-299), got 400" UserInfo=0x7feeb151bad0 {NSLocalizedDescription=Expected status code in (200-299), got 400, QL_HTTP_STATUS_CODE=400, NSErrorFailingURLKey=https://ios.api.gimbal.com/service/v10/registration/, NSLocalizedFailureReason={"errorMessage":"Application verification failed. Invalid com.mycompany.ios.POCGimbalNoPunctuationBundleId for application with package com.mycompany.ios.POCGimbalNoPunctuationBundleId","statusCode":10000}}
2015-08-25 19:14:32:079 POCGimbalNoPunctuationBundleId[17282:607] Error during registration:Expected status code in (200-299), got 400

I understand WHAT it is telling me, but I don't understand WHY -- it all appears to match the sample app and the API key in the Gimbal manager. 我了解它在告诉我什么,但我不明白为什么-一切似乎都与示例应用程序和Gimbal管理器中的API密钥相匹配。

HELP! 救命! I have struggled with this off and on for three days now. 我已经为此挣扎了三天。

It was not clear in the documentation (to me) that the bundle ID was to include the product name. (对我而言)在文档中尚不清楚捆绑包ID是否包含产品名称。 I thought that as built internally. 我认为这是内部构建的。 Therefore, the correct answer was to append "MyAppName" to the bundle ID in the question. 因此,正确的答案是将“ MyAppName”附加到问题中的捆绑软件ID中。


Be careful the product names that include spaces or dashes. 请注意包含空格或破折号的产品名称。 They are converted to underbar (_). 它们将转换为下划线(_)。 Good luck. 祝好运。


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