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[英]Using jquery to add options to select element within cloned table row causes select options outside the cloned element to be modified

I'm trying to use a table row as a template for adding multiple rows. 我正在尝试使用表格行作为添加多行的模板。 I need to clone the row, then update the select elements with some data. 我需要克隆该行,然后使用一些数据更新选择元素。 I hide the table row template before I do the clone, so the selects should not show up for the time being. 在进行克隆之前,我先隐藏了表格行模板,因此暂时不会显示选择内容。

The issue I'm having is that I have other selects defined on the page that are being modified by this process, but when I do the following: 我遇到的问题是,我在页面上定义了其他选择,这些选择正在被此过程修改,但是当我执行以下操作时:

clonedTr.find('select').each(function() {

it confirms that I am only working with the selects within the cloned table row. 它确认我仅使用克隆表行中的选择。 See this jsfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/fud4wej2/2/ 看到这个jsfiddle: https ://jsfiddle.net/fud4wej2/2/

I also tried to call rowTemplate.remove() after the clone() , thinking that the issue might have to do with duplicated ids, but to no avail. 我也试着拨打rowTemplate.remove()clone()以为问题可能有重复的ID来办,但无济于事。 Otherwise, to see the top pulldown being displayed correctly - showing Foobar as it's option - comment in the return; 否则,要查看顶部下拉菜单是否正确显示-将Foobar作为其选项-在return;注释return; statement. 声明。

As is -- with $(this).append(option); $(this).append(option); -使用$(this).append(option); commented out -- the top pulldown shows the second entry WB-730-2 from optionsToAdd as its option. 已注释掉-顶部下拉菜单显示optionsToAdd作为选项的第二个条目WB-730-2 If you comment in the final $(this).append(option); 如果您在最后的$(this).append(option);发表评论$(this).append(option); statement, the top pulldown has no options. 语句,顶部下拉列表没有选项。

These lines: 这些行:

var option = $('option');

The $('option') function is evaluating that CSS selector in the scope of the whole document, which grabs every option tag on the page. $('option')函数正在评估整个文档范围内的CSS选择器,该选择器将捕获页面上的每个 option标签。 This is causing your problem. 这是造成您的问题。

To fix: 修理:

var option = $('<option>');

This will parse the HTML and create a new option element. 这将解析HTML并创建一个新的option元素。

Another alternative: 另一种选择:

var option = $(document.createElement("option"));

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