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[英]deploying a liberty war file to bluemix liberty gives error 400

After creating a WAR file using maven successfully, I tried uploading the WAR file to Liberty on Bluemix. 在使用maven成功创建WAR文件之后,我尝试将WAR文件上传到Bluemix上的Liberty。 I used the following command: 我使用以下命令:

cf push wallet -p ./wallet-service/target/wallet-service-1.1-SNAPSHOT.war
Creating app wallet in org irazabal@us.ibm.com / space jax-rs as irazabal@us.ibm.com...

Got following response: 得到以下回应:

"OK “好

Creating route wallet.mybluemix.net... FAILED Server error, status code: 400, error code: 210003, message: The host is taken: wallet" 正在创建路由wallet.mybluemix.net ...失败服务器错误,状态代码:400,错误代码:210003,消息:主机已被使用:wallet“

What does that mean and more importantly, how do you fix it? 这是什么意思,更重要的是,您如何解决?

The above error message means the hostname wallet is taken. 上面的错误消息表示主机名wallet已被占用。 You are assigned a hostname on a shared domain of mybluemix.net . mybluemix.net的共享域上为您分配了主机名。 You can fix this issue by choosing a unique name. 您可以通过选择唯一名称来解决此问题。 You can keep the name of the app to be wallet but choose a unique hostname with the following command. 您可以将应用程序的名称保留为电子wallet但可以使用以下命令选择唯一的主机名。

cf push wallet -n somethingunique -p ./wallet-service/target/wallet-service-1.1-SNAPSHOT.war

The -n argument allows to give a hostname to the app. -n参数允许为应用提供主机名。

Additionally, you can point your own domain to Bluemix and use that with your app. 此外,您可以将自己的域指向Bluemix并将其与您的应用程序一起使用。

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