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[英]How to void/cancel a Payment on Netsuite by Suitetalk

I need to implement a function to Void/Cancel a VendorPayment on Netsuite by SuiteTalk. 我需要实现一个功能,以通过SuiteTalk在Netsuite上取消/取消VendorPayment。

I've spent a day for researching it but no help, no document, nothing :( 我花了一天的时间进行研究,但没有帮助,没有文档,什么都没有:(

This is the only link that I founded but no help How to void a payment in netsuite using netsuite webservice 这是我建立的唯一链接,但无济于事。 如何使用Netsuite Web服务使Netsuite中的付款无效

Using Suite script basically you can use 基本上可以使用Suite脚本

nlapiVoidTransaction(transactionType, recordId);

Not sure, if is there any equivalent method of this in Suitetalk presently. 不确定,目前在Suitetalk中是否有与此等效的方法。 I haven't much grab my hands on C# though. 不过,我对C#掌握并不多。

Unfortunately you can not cancel the payment from webservice, I leave the manual of version 2016.2 in it contain everything if possible via suitetalk 不幸的是您无法从Web服务取消付款,我将2016.2版的手册保留在其中,如果可能的话,其中包含通过Suitetalk进行的所有操作

https://system.na2.netsuite.com/help/helpcenter/en_US/PDF/SuiteTalkWebServicesPlatformGuide.pdf https://system.na2.netsuite.com/help/helpcenter/zh_CN/PDF/SuiteTalkWebServicesPlatformGuide.pdf

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