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[英]Refresh node.js data

I am new to node.js programming. 我是node.js编程的新手。 I have a script running on my raspberry pi, providing a web interface to change settings and save them into a file. 我在树莓派上运行了一个脚本,提供了用于更改设置并将其保存到文件中的Web界面。

Now, I also want to disply information on the page with the form that automatically refreshes, when another file, let's call it position.txt is changed. 现在,我还想以自动刷新的形式在页面上显示信息,当另一个文件被称为position.txt更改时。

How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点? My code up to now: 到目前为止,我的代码:

 var fs = require('fs'); var http = require('http'); var qs = require('querystring'); var postHTML = '<html><head><title>Post Example</title></head>' + '<body>' + '<form method="post">' + 'Richtung:<br><select name="input1" size="1">' + '<option value="1">Rueckwaerts</option>' + '<option value="2">Vorwaerts</option>' + '<option value="0">Stop</option>' + '<option value="3">ENDE</option>' + '</select><br><br>' + 'Geschwindigkeit:<br><select name="input2" size="1">' + '<option value="010">1</option>' + '<option value="020">2</option>' + '<option value="030">3</option>' + '<option value="040">4</option>' + '<option value="050">5</option>' + '<option value="060">6</option>' + '<option value="070">7</option>' + '<option value="080">8</option>' + '<option value="090">9</option>' + '<option value="100">10</option>' + '</select><br><br>' + '<input type="submit">' + '</form>' + '</body></html>'; http.createServer(function (req, res) { var body = ""; var in1 = ""; var in2 = ""; req.on('data', function (chunk) { body += chunk; }); req.on('end', function () { var gesamt = qs.parse(body); in1 = gesamt['input1']; in2 = gesamt['input2']; var erg = in1+in2; fs.writeFile('befehl.txt', erg, function(err) { if (err) return console.log(err); }); //console.log('POSTed: ' + in1); res.writeHead(200); res.end(postHTML); }); }).listen(8080); 

You have to make a trigger function to check if the file has changed and update the view accordingly. 您必须具有触发功能,以检查文件是否已更改并相应地更新视图。 And why not use a template engine for displaying the view ? 为什么不使用模板引擎显示视图?

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