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[英]Where can I learn about advanced network programming, specifically for game development?

I have currently been working on a multiplayer game using Node.js and Socket.io. 我目前正在使用Node.js和Socket.io进行多人游戏。 I've done okay and I understand the basics, but the further I get into it, the more I realize I really don't understand how networking programming works. 我做得还不错,并且了解基本知识,但是我越深入了解它,就越意识到我真的不了解网络编程的工作原理。 As the codebase grows and more features are added, my code is starting to become horribly inefficient and very hard to maintain. 随着代码库的增长和更多功能的添加,我的代码开始变得极其低效,并且很难维护。

The only resources I've really been able to find online cover very small applications and the methods used don't seem to have much scalability to them. 我真正能够在网上找到的唯一资源仅涉及非常小的应用程序,所使用的方法似乎对它们没有太大的可扩展性。

I'm wondering if anyone has a good book, or perhaps some online videos or articles that cover more advanced aspects or best practices of programming a large multiplayer game. 我想知道是否有人有一本好书,或者某些在线视频或文章涵盖了编写大型多人游戏的更高级方面或最佳实践。 I'm not new to game development, however I am new to the multiplayer and networking side of it. 我对游戏开发并不陌生,但是对多人游戏和网络方面却并不陌生。

Unix Network Programming, by Stevens is the best I have seen on network programming. 史蒂文斯(Stevens)撰写的《 Unix网络编程》是我所见过的关于网络编程的最好的书。 It is incredibly complete and thorough and clear. 它非常完整,透彻和清晰。 You can go as deep as you want to with this book. 您可以根据自己的意愿进行深入研究。

Also check out the excellent Beej's Guide to Network Programming online. 还可以在线查看出色的Beej网络编程指南


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