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[英]How to combine bool must and sort for elasticsearch

i am trying to sort some data, where in my base skeleton my sorting is not working and if i remove the sorting it works fine. 我正在尝试对一些数据进行排序,在我的基本骨架中,我的排序不起作用,如果我删除了排序,它会很好地工作。

So how can i put sorting in my base skeleton and sort some data. 所以我该如何在我的基本框架中进行排序并对一些数据进行排序。

i can't put just 我不能放

   $params['body'] = [           
    'sort' => [['title' => ['order' => 'asc']]]];
$results = $client->search($params);

Because i have other condition where i need the must condition. 因为我有其他条件,我需要必须条件。 Can anyone knows how it can be solve. 有谁知道如何解决。

Any advice will be really appreciate. 任何建议将不胜感激。

      // my base skeleton          
      $params = array(
                'index' => "myIndex",
                'type' => "myType",
                'body' => array(
                    'query' => array(
                        'bool' => array(
                            'must' => array(
                            // empty should clause for starters
                'sort' => array()

     // sorting is not working with bool and must
     if ($request->request->get('salarySort')) {
                $params['body']['query']['bool']['must'][] = array(
                    'sort' => array(
                        "title" => array('order' => 'asc')

this is what i get as a json_encode --- 这就是我作为json_encode得到的-

  "took": 4,
  "timed_out": false,
  "_shards": {
    "total": 2,
    "successful": 1,
    "failed": 0
  "hits": {
    "total": 1066,
    "max_score": null,
    "hits": [
        "_index": "myIndex",
        "_type": "myType",
        "_id": "pe065319de73937aa6ef46413afd7aac26a58a611",
        "_score": null,
        "_source": {
          "title": "Smarason trycker ",
          "content": "HIF gör 2-0 mot Halmstad.",
          "tag": [
          "category": [
        "sort": [
        "_index": "myIndex",
        "_type": "myType",
        "_id": "pebc44a70008f53f74f23ab23f8a1f79b2b729448",
        "_score": null,
        "_source": {
          "title": "Anders Svenssons tips gav 1-0",
          "content": "Anders Svenssons tips i halvtid Kalmar FF.",
          "source": "Unknown",
          "tag": [
          "category": [
        "sort": [

query in JSON --- JSON查询-

  "index": "myIndex",
  "type": "myType",
  "size": 30,
  "body": {
    "query": {
      "match_all": []
    "sort": [
        "title": "asc"

You're almost there. 你快到了。 You've correctly placed the empty sort array at the same level as your query , which is correct. 您已将空的sort数组正确放置在与query相同的级别,这是正确的。

The issue comes later when you try to feed it as a bool/must constraint instead of in the empty sort array. 稍后当您尝试将其作为bool/must约束而不是空的sort数组来提供时,就会出现此问题。

 // sorting is not working with bool and must
 if ($request->request->get('salarySort')) {
    $params['body']['sort'][] = array(      <---- this line needs to be changed
        "Salary" => 'asc'                   <---- this line needs to be changed, too

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