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使用Async / Await下载并解压缩zip文件,并提供进度报告

[英]Download & extract zip file using Async / Await with progress reporting

I want to implement a re-usable class that will facilitate with downloading a given zip file and extract it, whilst reporting progress using the C# 5 await/async feature. 我想实现一个可重用的类,该类将有助于下载给定的zip文件并解压缩它,同时使用C#5等待/异步功能报告进度。

I am new to this and trying to wrap my head around it at the moment. 我对此并不陌生,目前正设法将其包裹住。 This is my Installer class so far: 到目前为止,这是我的Installer类:

class Installer
    Button saveButton;
    ProgressBar progressBar;
    Label statusLabel;
    Boolean downloadDone;

    public Installer(Button _saveButton, ProgressBar _progressBar, Label _statusLabel)
        saveButton = _saveButton;
        progressBar = _progressBar;
        statusLabel = _statusLabel;

    public async void Start(string fileUrl)
        saveButton.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => {
            saveButton.Enabled = false;

        Task<bool> downloadArchiveTask = DownloadArchiveAsync(fileUrl);

        bool downloadArchiveDone = await downloadArchiveTask;

        if (downloadArchiveDone)
            statusLabel.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => {
                statusLabel.Text = "Download Completed";

    async Task<bool> DownloadArchiveAsync(string fileUrl)
        var downloadLink = new Uri(fileUrl);
        var saveFilename = Path.GetFileName(downloadLink.AbsolutePath);

        DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler DownloadProgressChangedEvent = (s, e) =>
            progressBar.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => {
                progressBar.Value = e.ProgressPercentage;

            var downloadProgress = string.Format("{0} MB / {1} MB",
                    (e.BytesReceived / 1024d / 1024d).ToString("0.00"),
                    (e.TotalBytesToReceive / 1024d / 1024d).ToString("0.00"));

            statusLabel.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => {
                statusLabel.Text = "Downloading " + downloadProgress + " ...";

        AsyncCompletedEventHandler AsyncCompletedEvent = (s, e) =>
            // Todo: Extract
            downloadDone = true;

        using (WebClient webClient = new WebClient())
            webClient.DownloadProgressChanged += DownloadProgressChangedEvent;
            webClient.DownloadFileCompleted += AsyncCompletedEvent;
            webClient.DownloadFileAsync(downloadLink, saveFilename);

        while (!downloadDone) ;

        return true;

This is how I use it: 这是我的用法:

(new Installer(startBtn, progressBar, statusLabel)).Start("http://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.9.4.zip");

I am not entirely sure if I have implemented this correctly. 我不确定我是否正确实施了此操作。 Visual studio is giving me the following warning: Visual Studio向我发出以下警告:

DownloadArchiveAsync - This async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously. DownloadArchiveAsync-此异步方法缺少“等待”运算符,将同步运行。

Also note; 另请注意; I currently have no proper way of detecting when the download is completed, so I am using bool and a while loop - not sure if this is recommended also. 我目前没有检测下载完成时间的正确方法,因此我正在使用boolwhile循环-不确定是否也建议这样做。

What is the correct way to use async/await to asynchronously download a zip file and report progress? 使用async / await异步下载zip文件并报告进度的正确方法是什么?


After digging around, I found one possible solution to this. 深入研究之后,我找到了一种可能的解决方案。 I've implemented this method: 我已经实现了这种方法:

async Task IsDownloadDone()
    await Task.Run(() =>
        while (!downloadDone) ;

and updated the DownloadArchiveAsync return like this: 并更新了DownloadArchiveAsync返回,如下所示:

await IsDownloadDone();
return true;

Complete code now looks like this: http://pastebin.com/MuW0386K 现在完整的代码如下所示: http : //pastebin.com/MuW0386K

Is this the correct way to implement this? 这是实现此目标的正确方法吗?

You can replace DownloadArchiveAsync with something like this, and it will actually work asynchronously: 您可以将DownloadArchiveAsync替换为以下内容,它实际上将异步运行:

async Task<bool> DownloadArchiveAsync( string fileUrl )
    var downloadLink = new Uri( fileUrl );
    var saveFilename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName( downloadLink.AbsolutePath );

    DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler DownloadProgressChangedEvent = ( s, e ) =>
        progressBar.BeginInvoke( (Action)(() =>
            progressBar.Value = e.ProgressPercentage;
        }) );

        var downloadProgress = string.Format( "{0} MB / {1} MB",
                (e.BytesReceived / 1024d / 1024d).ToString( "0.00" ),
                (e.TotalBytesToReceive / 1024d / 1024d).ToString( "0.00" ) );

        statusLabel.BeginInvoke( (Action)(() =>
            statusLabel.Text = "Downloading " + downloadProgress + " ...";
        }) );

    using (WebClient webClient = new WebClient())
        webClient.DownloadProgressChanged += DownloadProgressChangedEvent;
        await webClient.DownloadFileTaskAsync( downloadLink, saveFilename );

    return true;

Edit: I found DownloadFileTaskAsync in the MSDN, makes things a lot prettier. 编辑:我在MSDN中找到DownloadFileTaskAsync ,这使事情变得更漂亮了。

async on the method means this method uses await . 方法上的async表示此方法使用await So use the awaitable function in 'WebClient'. 因此,请使用“ WebClient”中的等待功能。

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