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[英]ANTLR4: parsing an email header, lookahead not working, Python target

I am trying to parse this portion of an email header: 我正在尝试解析电子邮件标头的这一部分:

Received: from server.mymailhost.com (mail.mymailhost.com []) by pilot01.cl.msu.edu (8.10.2/8.10.2) with ESMTP id NAA23597;Fri, 12 Jul 2002 16:11:20 -0400 (EDT)

I want the lexer to tokenize it into these pieces: 我希望词法分析器将其标记为以下片段:


from  server.mymailhost.com (mail.mymailhost.com []) 

by pilot01.cl.msu.edu (8.10.2/8.10.2) 

with ESMTP 

id NAA23597


Fri, 12 Jul 2002 16:11:20 -0400 (EDT)


Here's my parser grammar: 这是我的解析器语法:

parser grammar MyParser;                

options { tokenVocab=MyLexer; }         

received : Received fromToken byToken withToken idToken SemiColon date EOF ;

fromToken : FromText ;

byToken: ByText ;

withToken : WithText ;

idToken : IdText ;

date : DateContents+ ;

Below is my lexer grammar. 以下是我的词法分析器语法。 This is the error that I get when I run ANTLR: 这是我运行ANTLR时遇到的错误:

token recognition error at: 'from server.mymailhost.com (mail.mymailhost.com []) by pilot01.cl.msu.edu (8.10.2/8.10.2) with ESMTP id NAA23597;Fri, 12 Jul 2002 16:11:20 -0400 (EDT)'

mismatched input '<EOF>' expecting FromText

Apparently the lexer is successfully getting the first token ( Received: ) but then is not getting the next token ( From: ). 显然,词法分析器已成功获取第一个令牌( Received:但未获取下一个令牌( From: :)。 Note that in the lexer grammar I am using lookahead; 请注意,在词法分析器语法中,我正在使用超前模式; am I using it correctly? 我使用正确吗? Any thoughts on what the problem is? 有什么问题的想法吗?

lexer grammar MyLexer;                  

Received : 'Received: ' ;
SemiColon : ';' ;

FromText : 'from ' .+? 
        (self.input.LA(1) == 'b') and (self.input.LA(2) == 'y')
      }? ;

ByText : 'by '.+? 
        (self.input.LA(1) == 'w') and (self.input.LA(2) == 'i') and (self.input.LA(3) == 't') and (self.input.LA(4) == 'h')
      }? ;

WithText : 'with ' .+? 
        (self.input.LA(1) == 'i') and (self.input.LA(2) == 'd')
      }? ;

IdText : 'id ' .+? 
        (self.input.LA(1) == ';')
      }? ;

DateContents : ('Mon' | 'Tue' | 'Wed' | 'Thu' | 'Fri' | 'Sat' | 'Sun') (Letter | Number | Special)+ ;

fragment Letter :  'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' ;

fragment Number : '0'..'9' ;

fragment Special : ' ' | '_' | '-' | '.' | ',' | '~' | ':' | '+' | '$' | '=' | '(' | ')' | '[' | ']' | '/' ;

Whitespace : [\t\r\n]+ -> skip ;

After much effort I figured out the answer. 经过努力,我找到了答案。 Here is the working lexer: 这是工作的词法分析器:

lexer grammar MyLexer;                  

Received : 'Received: ' ;
SemiColon : ';' ;

FromText : 'from ' .+? 
      {(self._input.LA(1) == ord('b')) and (self._input.LA(2) == ord('y'))}?

ByText : 'by '.+? 
      {(self._input.LA(1) == ord('w')) and (self._input.LA(2) == ord('i')) and (self._input.LA(3) == ord('t')) and (self._input.LA(4) == ord('h'))}? 

WithText : 'with ' .+? 
      {(self._input.LA(1) == ord('i')) and (self._input.LA(2) == ord('d'))}? 

IdText : 'id ' .+? 
      {(self._input.LA(1) == ord(';'))}? 

DateContents : ('Mon' | 'Tue' | 'Wed' | 'Thu' | 'Fri' | 'Sat' | 'Sun') (Letter | Number | Special)+ ;

fragment Letter :  'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' ;

fragment Number : '0'..'9' ;

fragment Special : ' ' | '_' | '-' | '.' | ',' | '~' | ':' | '+' | '$' | '=' | '(' | ')' | '[' | ']' | '/' ;

Whitespace : [\t\r\n]+ -> skip ;

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