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[英]Weird error in cider-jack-in

I created a clojure project using lein new , started GNU Emacs , opened the file core.clj and when I tried to jack-in with cider-jack-in It blows off: 我创建了一个clojure使用项目lein new ,开始了GNU Emacs ,打开的文件core.clj ,当我试图杰克与 cider-jack-in它吹掉:

Making nrepl-create-client-buffer-function local to *nrepl-server clojure-noob* while let-bound!
Making nrepl-use-this-as-repl-buffer local to *nrepl-server clojure-noob* while let-bound!
Starting nREPL server via lein repl :headless...
nREPL server started on 37124
nREPL: Establishing direct connection to localhost:37124 ...
nREPL: Direct connection established
error in process filter: cider-repl-set-initial-ns: Symbol's value as variable is void: ns
error in process filter: Symbol's value as variable is void: ns

and then (obviously) nothing happens 然后(显然)什么也没有发生

My core.clj file is: 我的core.clj文件是:

(ns clojure-noob.core

(defn -main
  "I don't do a whole lot ... yet."
  [& args]
  (println "¡Soy una tetera pequeña y fuerte!"))

As you can see, nothing fancy or anything... (it runs with lein run ) 如您所见,没有任何幻想或任何东西……(它与lein run一起lein run

My .lein/profiles.clj is pretty simple: 我的.lein/profiles.clj非常简单:

{:user {:plugins [[cider/cider-nrepl "0.10.0-SNAPSHOT"]]}}

And my cider version is: cider版本是:

CIDER 0.10.0snapshot (package: 20150830.328)

as reported by Mx cider-version Mx cider-version报道

I am new in Clojure , btw... 我是Clojure新人,顺便说一句...

Could you help me? 你可以帮帮我吗?

It's a bug in the latest version of cider (already fixed: http://bit.ly/1UfNgE9 ). 这是cider最新版本中的一个错误(已经修复: http : //bit.ly/1UfNgE9 )。

As for now, you can apply this change manually on your local cider installation or just wait for fix publishing. 到目前为止,您可以在本地cider安装中手动应用此更改,也可以等待修订发布。

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