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[英]Cannot access a non-static member of outer type XXX via nested type with a third-party provided class

This problem has been addressed in SOF in general. 总的来说,这个问题已在SOF中得到解决。 However, I am unable (not competent enough) to apply the suggestions to this example. 但是,我无法(不够胜任)将建议应用于此示例。 I am getting the "Cannot access a non-static member of outer type 'FixClientTest.Form1' via nested type ... " error. 我收到“无法通过嵌套类型访问外部类型为'FixClientTest.Form1'的非静态成员...”错误。 In this case, the nested type is an instantiation of a 3rd party provided class (in this case, the open-source QuickFix/n library). 在这种情况下,嵌套类型是第三方提供的类的实例化(在这种情况下,为开源QuickFix / n库)。 I understand that the source is not really relevant but I am trying to avoid any suggestion that might have me modifying that code and don't have the knowledge to get around the problem. 我知道来源并不真正相关,但是我试图避免提出任何建议,这些建议可能会让我修改该代码并且不具备解决该问题的知识。 My goal is simply to update form controls based on information that I get in the callbacks from this library. 我的目标只是根据我从该库的回调中获取的信息来更新表单控件。 (The code below is just a simple form with 2 buttons, one to set up the event callbacks and the other to stop them.) I would greatly appreciate any suggestions that the community might have. (下面的代码只是一个简单的表单,带有2个按钮,一个按钮用于设置事件回调,另一个按钮用于停止事件回调。)我将非常感谢社区可能提出的任何建议。

Thank You. 谢谢。

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using QuickFix;

namespace FixClientTest
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        public class MyQuickFixApp : QuickFix.IApplication
            public void FromApp(QuickFix.Message msg, SessionID sessionID) { }
            public void OnCreate(SessionID sessionID) { }
            public void OnLogout(SessionID sessionID) 
                Console.WriteLine("Logged out.");
            public void OnLogon(SessionID sessionID) 
                Console.WriteLine("Logged In.");
            public void FromAdmin(QuickFix.Message msg, SessionID sessionID) 
                //logListView.Items.Add(msg.ToString()); <<GENERATES ERROR!

            public void ToAdmin(QuickFix.Message msg, SessionID sessionID) { }
            public void ToApp(QuickFix.Message msg, SessionID sessionID) { }

        public QuickFix.Transport.SocketInitiator _Initiator = null;

        private void connectButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string file = "c:/FIX/tradeclientIB.cfg";
                QuickFix.SessionSettings settings = new QuickFix.SessionSettings(file);
                QuickFix.IApplication myApp = new MyQuickFixApp();
                QuickFix.IMessageStoreFactory storeFactory = new QuickFix.FileStoreFactory(settings);
                QuickFix.ILogFactory logFactory = new QuickFix.ScreenLogFactory(settings);
                _Initiator = new QuickFix.Transport.SocketInitiator(myApp, storeFactory, settings, logFactory);   

            catch (System.Exception err)

        private void stopButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Your MyQuickFixApp class doesn't know anything about the Form1 object. 您的MyQuickFixApp类对Form1对象一无所知。

First, I'd suggest moving it out of the Form1 class. 首先,我建议将其移出Form1类。 Then, I'd look at how and when the MyQuickFixApp object is created. 然后,我将研究如何以及何时创建MyQuickFixApp对象。 I'm not familiar with the QuickFix library, but a quick glance at the docs suggests that creating it in a button message handler isn't the right way to do this. 我对QuickFix库不熟悉,但是快速浏览一下文档表明在按钮消息处理程序中创建它不是正确的方法。 (In a winforms app I'd imagine you'd create it in your Program.Main method). (在Winforms应用程序中,我想您会在Program.Main方法中创建它)。

As for the actual error, you need to give the MyQuickFixApp object a reference to the Form1 object (probably pass it in the constructor). 至于实际的错误,您需要给MyQuickFixApp对象一个对Form1对象的引用(可能在构造函数中传递它)。

public class MyQuickFixApp : QuickFix.IApplication
    private readonly Form1 _form1;
    public MyQuickFixApp(Form1 form)
       _form1 = form;

    public void FromAdmin(QuickFix.Message msg, SessionID sessionID) 

While I was waiting for answers, I took another look at an answer provided in this link: Property is inaccessible due to its protection level When I read it again more carefully this time, I realized that Steve had posted the answer I need so it is really his answer. 在等待答案的过程中,我再次查看了此链接中提供的答案: 财产由于其保护等级而无法访问当我再次仔细阅读它时,我意识到史蒂夫已经发布了我需要的答案,因此真的是他的答案。 I needed to restructure this using events to capture the change in the form and to preserve encapsulation. 我需要使用事件来重组它,以捕获表单中的更改并保留封装。 It also allowed me to move my class that updated the form out of the Form class, however, it created the much-feared "cross-thread" problem. 这也使我可以将更新了表单的类移出Form类,但是,这却引起了人们普遍担心的“跨线程”问题。 I already had an answer for this from someone else (sorry, don't have that link). 我已经从其他人那里得到了答案(对不起,没有该链接)。 I added lines to the event that updates the form to spin it off as a new thread. 我向事件添加了行,以更新表单以将其拆分为新线程。 I've done this before and it works nicely. 我以前做过,而且效果很好。 If anyone thinks this might be a problem, please let me know. 如果有人认为这可能是个问题,请告诉我。 Apologies if I've wasted anyone's time in looking at my problem but I thought I would share the mix of answers because it solves two of the biggest problems I've had since learning c#/forms. 抱歉,如果我浪费任何时间在看我的问题上,但是我想我会分享一些答案,因为它解决了自学习c#/ forms以来我遇到的两个最大问题。

One thing, don't get confused about this declaration: private delegate void AddLogItemDelegate(string msg); 一件事,不要对这个声明感到困惑: private delegate void AddLogItemDelegate(string msg); It is related to creating the thread containing the AddLogItem function and not to the creation of the event. 它与创建包含AddLogItem函数的线程有关,与事件的创建无关。

Thanks 谢谢

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using QuickFix;

namespace FixClientTest

    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        public QuickFix.Transport.SocketInitiator _Initiator = null;

        private void connectButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string file = "c:/FIX/tradeclientIB.cfg";
                QuickFix.SessionSettings settings = new QuickFix.SessionSettings(file);
                QuickFix.IApplication myApp = new MyQuickFixApp();
                QuickFix.IMessageStoreFactory storeFactory = new QuickFix.FileStoreFactory(settings);
                QuickFix.ILogFactory logFactory = new QuickFix.ScreenLogFactory(settings);
                //QuickFix.Transport.SocketInitiator initiator = new QuickFix.Transport.SocketInitiator(myApp, storeFactory, settings, logFactory);
                _Initiator = new QuickFix.Transport.SocketInitiator(myApp, storeFactory, settings, logFactory);

                MyQuickFixApp.UpdateEvent += new MyQuickFixApp.OnUpdateEvent(AddLogItem);

            catch (System.Exception err)

        private void stopButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        public string stuff;

        private delegate void AddLogItemDelegate(string msg);
        public void AddLogItem(string msg)
                this.Invoke(new AddLogItemDelegate(AddLogItem), new object[] { msg });

            catch(Exception err)

    public class MyQuickFixApp : QuickFix.IApplication

        public delegate void OnUpdateEvent(string msg);
        public static event OnUpdateEvent UpdateEvent;

        public void FromApp(QuickFix.Message msg, SessionID sessionID) { }
        public void OnCreate(SessionID sessionID) { }
        public void OnLogout(SessionID sessionID)
            Console.WriteLine("Logged out.");
        public void OnLogon(SessionID sessionID)
            Console.WriteLine("Logged In.");
        public void FromAdmin(QuickFix.Message msg, SessionID sessionID)

        public void ToAdmin(QuickFix.Message msg, SessionID sessionID) { }
        public void ToApp(QuickFix.Message msg, SessionID sessionID) { }


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