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[英]Strange Logical Error in Java Code

interface New<T> {
   boolean func(T n, T v);
class MyFunc<T>{
T val;
MyFunc(T val){
   this.val = val;
void Set(T val){
   this.val = val;
T Get(){
   return val;
boolean isEqual(MyFunc<T> o){
   if(val == o.val) return true;
return false;
public class Main {
  static <T> boolean check(New<T> n , T a, T b){
     return n.func(a,b);
  public static void main(String args[]){
   int a = 321;
   MyFunc<Integer> f1 = new MyFunc<Integer>(a);
   MyFunc<Integer> f2 = new MyFunc<Integer>(a);

   boolean result;
   //f2.Set(f1.Get()); //if i uncomment this line result become true
   System.out.println(f1.val + "  " + f2.val);

   result = check(MyFunc::isEqual, f1, f2);
   System.out.println("f1 isEqual to f2: " + result);

Why result is false when 'a' is used in both f1 and f2 ? 当在f1f2使用'a'时,为什么结果是假的? Why result is true when f2.Set(f1.Get()); 为什么f2.Set(f1.Get());时结果为真f2.Set(f1.Get()); is uncommented? 没有注释? Please explain me where I am making mistake. 请解释我在哪里弄错了。

In the .isEquals() method you're comparing tho wrapper objects with the == operator, which compares the objects references if those are not within the Integer internal cache. .isEquals()方法中,您将使用==运算符比较包装器对象,如果这些对象引用不在Integer内部缓存中,则会比较对象引用。

Since 321 is out of the Integer cache, the == operator returns false , because the references are different ( f1 refers to different memory address than f2 ). 由于321不在Integer缓存中,因此==运算符返回false ,因为引用不同( f1指的是与f2不同的内存地址)。

When you explicitly set the references to be equal (with f2.Set(f1.Get()) ), then it's not surprising the program outputs true . 当您明确地将引用设置为相等(使用f2.Set(f1.Get()) )时,程序输出为true并不奇怪。

If you set a to something between -128 and 127 , the program will output true . 如果将a设置a -128127之间的某个值,程序将输出true

a is auto boxed to Integer and for int a = 321; a 自动装箱Integerint a = 321; you will have two different Objects for f1 and f2 . 对于f1f2你将有两个不同的Objects


Integer a1 = new Integer(321);
Integer a2 = new Integer(321);

and for a1 == a2 you will have false because == compare reference instead of value you should use equals method to check value in your isEqual method. 并且对于a1 == a2你将得到false因为==比较引用而不是值,你应该使用equals方法来检查isEqual方法中的值。

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