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[英]How to add multiple pages in PDFBox

I want to write some content in my PDF using PDFBox. 我想使用PDFBox在我的PDF中写一些内容。 Once the page height is less than the margin I need to create another page. 一旦页面高度小于页边距,我就需要创建另一个页面。 I want to retain the cursor information. 我想保留光标信息。 I s there a way through which i can get the cursor information like where the cursor is present so i can subtract the margin from cursor position and add another page to it. 我有一种方法可以通过它获取光标信息(例如光标所在的位置),以便可以从光标位置减去边距并向其添加另一页。 Right now I have done something like this 现在我做了这样的事情

PDRectangle rect = page.getMediaBox();
float positionY = rect.getWidth();
 positionY = positionY - pdfWriter.defaultBottomMargin;
if(positionY < positionX) {
               positionY = rect.getWidth();
                PDPage page2 = page;
               rect = page2.getMediaBox();
               PDPageContentStream contentStream = new PDPageContentStream(document, page2);
              // contentStream.setFont(font, 12);
               contentStream.moveTextPositionByAmount(positionX, positionY);

You can use some class level variables like below which maintains positionY throught execution of pdf generation. 您可以使用一些像下面这样的类级别变量,这些变量在执行pdf生成过程中始终保持positionY。

float PAGE_MARGIN = 20;
float newPagepositionY = page.findMediaBox().getHeight() - PAGE_MARGIN;
float positionY = newPagepositionY;
PDPage currentPage = new PDPage();

Before adding any content on PDF, check whether cursor has reached at end of page or not. 在PDF上添加任何内容之前,请检查光标是否到达页面末尾。 ie Create funtion as shown below 即创建功能,如下所示

public boolean isEndOfPage(Row row) 
    float currentY = this.positionY ;
    boolean isEndOfPage = currentY  <= (PAGE_MARGIN + 10);

    return isEndOfPage;

Using above funtion, you can create new page as required. 使用上述功能,您可以根据需要创建新页面。

if (isEndOfPage(row)) 
    // Reset positionY  to newPagepositionY
    this.positionY  = newPagepositionY;

    this.currentPage = new PDPage();

    // your code

This worked for me 这对我有用

package trypdf;

import java.io.IOException;

import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPage;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPageContentStream;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDType1Font;

public class PDF {

    public static PDPage blankPage= new PDPage();
    public  static float PAGE_MARGIN = 5;
    public static  float newPagepositionY = blankPage.getMediaBox().getHeight() - 
    public static    float positionY = newPagepositionY;

    public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException 

          PDDocument document = new PDDocument();    

          // adding a new page to the document - the first page

          // creating the content that will appear on the previously added 
          PDPageContentStream contentStream = new 

          //the begin of the text for the content

          //formating the text   
          contentStream.setFont( PDType1Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 12 );

          //setting the coordinates from where the text will be displayed 
          //on the page (first one is the column, second is for row)
          contentStream.newLineAtOffset(15, 750);

          //depending on the text formats you can get more or less rows on a 
          //page, for my formats I gor 49 rows + the document margins and 
          //the spaces between the rows; this goes for the first for
          for(int i=0; i<48;i++) {  

              //will display a text at the begining of every row in my case 
              //it will display the row number
              contentStream. showText(Integer.toString(i));

              //this for will display some text to each column of the page
              //in my case it will display the letter "a"+ one space 64 
              //times; depending on the text formats you can get more or 
              //less characters
              for(int j=0;j<63;j++) {
                  contentStream. showText("a"+" ");

              //I wanted to display a "b" at each end of a line so I coud 
              //see that the line fits to the page
              contentStream. showText("b");

              //adds another line  

          //marks the end of the text that will be displayed on the first 

          //will close the content for the first page

          //end of the first page

          //adding other 3 pages with the same text
          int j=0; //the counter for the pages that will be added

          while(j<3) {

                //adding another blank page to the document with different 
                //text from the previous one
                document.addPage(blankPage=new PDPage());

                //taking a content for the new page
                contentStream = new PDPageContentStream(document,blankPage);
                contentStream.setFont( PDType1Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 12 );
                contentStream.newLineAtOffset(15, 720);

                //display a number for every row on the page
                for( int i=50; i<98;i++) {
                      contentStream. showText(Integer.toString(i));

                //closing the text and the content

                //increasing the counter for the page                  
          System.out.println("Content added");

          //Saving the document
          System.out.println("PDF created");  


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