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[英]Javascript function that return an array of values

this function read the current selected values from a table, I can't get the list of them in a single array readable outside this function. 该函数从表中读取当前选择的值,因此无法在该函数之外可读的单个数组中获得它们的列表。

function getcheckboxed() {
vartoberead = [];
    vartoberead [vartoberead .length] = $(this).val();
     console.log($(this).val(), vartoberead);
     return vartoberead;

I've declared vartoberead , both inside, than outside the function, tried with: 我已经在函数内部而不是外部声明了vartoberead ,尝试了:

var myoutsidevar = getcheckboxed();

but always return 但总是回来

[undefined] [未定义]

Every help is appreciated 每一个帮助都值得赞赏

You can shorten this up a bit: 您可以将其缩短一点:

var values = $("input:checkbox[name=test]:checked").map(function() {
    return this.value;

Edit: To make this a function and return: 编辑:使其成为一个函数并返回:

function getcheckboxed() { 
    return $("input:checkbox[name=test]:checked").map(function() {
        return this.value;

You can use map: 您可以使用地图:

var vartoberead = $("input:checkbox[name=test]:checked").map(function(){
      return $(this).val();

map() does actually return something, so you don't need to push to an array but instead just let jQuery fill the array for you with the returned values. map()实际上确实返回了一些内容,因此您无需推送到数组,而只需让jQuery用返回的值为您填充数组。

you should return after the each() cycle (and not inside the cycle as you're doing) anyway you could also use serializeArray 无论如何,您都应该在each()循环之后return (而不是在循环内部),也可以使用serializeArray

function getcheckboxed() {
   return $("input:checkbox[name=test]:checked").serializeArray();

When you print the value inside de each ( console.log($(this).val(), vartoberead); ) it show the values correctly ? 当您在每个属性(console.log($(this).val(),vartoberead);)中打印值时,它可以正确显示值吗?

Other thing is that you are returning the value inside the each. 另一件事是您正在返回每个值内部的值。

Try this: 尝试这个:

function getcheckboxed() {
    vartoberead = [];
    return vartoberead;

I have a pure javascript solution for this . 我对此有一个纯JavaScript解决方案。 I have used html array ie all checkboxes having same name (say test[]) 我使用了html数组,即所有具有相同名称的复选框(例如test [])

 function getCheckBoxesValues() { var values=[]; for(var i=0;i<document.getElementsByName('test[]').length;i++) { if((document.getElementsByName('test[]')[i]).checked) { values.push((document.getElementsByName('test[]')[i]).value); } } return values; } 
 <input type="checkbox" name="test[]" value="c1"/> <input type="checkbox" name="test[]" value="c2"/> <input type="checkbox" name="test[]" value="c3"/> <input type="checkbox" name="test[]" value="c4"/> <input type="checkbox" name="test[]" value="c5"/> <button onClick="alert(getCheckBoxesValues());">Result</button> 

You have to modify you code to valid JavaScript code. 您必须将代码修改为有效的JavaScript代码。 That is: vartoberead [vartoberead .length] should be vartoberead[vartoberead.length] without any spaces. 也就是说: vartoberead [vartoberead .length]应该是vartoberead[vartoberead.length]没有任何空格。 Beside this issue everything else is ok with your code. 除此问题外,您的代码其他所有内容都可以。

Just by looking at your code I would rather use vartoberead.push($(this).val()) to add to the returned array than looking at the arrays length. 仅通过查看您的代码,我宁愿使用vartoberead.push($(this).val())将其添加到返回的数组中,而不是查看数组的长度。

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