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使用C ++更改默认浏览器值

[英]Change the default browser value using c++

I am working on one small issue and I want to set the Default Directory at runtime. 我正在处理一个小问题,我想在运行时设置默认目录。 so I have implemented the code below and still it is not working though it is not giving me any error. 所以我实现了下面的代码,尽管它没有给我任何错误,但仍然无法正常工作。


I have wrote the code as specified below. 我写了下面指定的代码。 please let me know what is the mistake in the code? 请让我知道代码中的错误是什么?

    HKEY hKey;
LPCTSTR sk = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Main");
LPCTSTR value = TEXT("Default Download Directory");
LPCTSTR newValue = TEXT("C:\\Users\\USRNAME\\PROJ\\My Files");

LONG lRes = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sk,0, KEY_READ, &hKey);
bool bExistsAndSuccess(lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS);

if (bExistsAndSuccess)
        MessageBox(NULL, ptr, _T("bingo, Found you & key"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);

        if (RegSetValueEx(hKey, value, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)newValue, sizeof(newValue)+1) != ERROR_SUCCESS)               
            MessageBox(NULL, ptr, _T("bingo, success"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
            MessageBox(NULL, ptr, _T("bingo, failure"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
        MessageBox(NULL, ptr, _T("bingo, Found you without key"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);

It shows me bingo, success message box but value is not updating in the registry. 它向我显示宾果游戏,成功消息框,但注册表中的值未更新。 please help me. 请帮我。

As molbdnilo mentioned, newValue is a pointer. 正如molbdnilo提到的那样,newValue是一个指针。 sizeof(newValue) is not the length of the string. sizeof(newValue)不是字符串的长度。 so I have changed the code with _tcslen(newValue) * sizeof(TCHAR)+1 所以我用_tcslen(newValue) * sizeof(TCHAR)+1更改了代码

& as per the comments of Vlad, I have removed to RegCloseKey statement which is executed before RegSetValueEx 根据弗拉德的评论,我已经删除了RegCloseKey语句,该语句在RegSetValueEx之前RegSetValueEx

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