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在grails jax rs中的一个json中传递两个域对象

[英]passing two domain objects in one json in grails jax rs

I am using jaxrs:0.10 and I have default generated resources for a domain OrderDetails . 我正在使用jaxrs:0.10,并且已经为域OrderDetails默认生成了资源。 And the client will POST json which will contain domain OrderDetails object as well as other two parameters userName and password , so that only authenticated users consume the resource. 客户端将发布POST json,其中将包含域OrderDetails对象以及其他两个参数userNamepassword ,以便只有经过身份验证的用户才能使用该资源。 I can simply save to database for domain OrderDetails only without authentation(iethe JSON is same as the domain.) by posting a JSON but by adding the other two parameters for authentication is a bit different thing. 通过发布JSON,但通过添加其他两个用于身份验证的参数,我可以简单地仅将域OrderDetails保存到数据库中而无需身份验证(即JSON与域相同)。 How to accomplish this task, my need is : 如何完成这项任务,我的需要是:

1)The client posts the json with userName,password and OrderDetails object. 1)客户端使用用户名,密码和OrderDetails对象发布json。 2)I need to authenticate the user credentials for OrderDetails object to save to the database. 2)我需要验证OrderDetails对象的用户凭据才能保存到数据库。

For time being user credentials will the static. 暂时的用户凭据将是静态的。

My code for domain OrderDetails is : 我对域OrderDetails代码是:

class OrderDetails {

    Date orderDate
    Long orderNumber

    Float subTotal
    Float shipping
    Float discount
    Float netTotalPaid
    boolean creditApplied

    Long transactionId
    String specialInstruction
    DeliveryStatus deliveryStatus

    Long memberId
    String localOffice

    static constraints = {
        orderDate nullable: true
        orderNumber nullable: true

        subTotal nullable: true
        shipping nullable: true
        discount nullable: true
        netTotalPaid nullable: true
        creditApplied nullable: true

        transactionId nullable: true
        specialInstruction nullable: true
        deliveryStatus nullable: true

        memberId nullable: true
        localOffice nullable: true

And the generated Resources are : 生成的资源是:

class OrderDetailsCollectionResource {

    def orderDetailsResourceService

    Response create(OrderDetails dto) {
        created orderDetailsResourceService.create(dto)

    Response readAll() {
        ok orderDetailsResourceService.readAll()

    OrderDetailsResource getResource(@PathParam('id') Long id) {
        new OrderDetailsResource(orderDetailsResourceService: orderDetailsResourceService, id:id)

And : 和:

class OrderDetailsResource {

    def orderDetailsResourceService
    def id

    Response read() {
        ok orderDetailsResourceService.read(id)

    Response update(OrderDetails dto) {
        dto.id = id
        ok orderDetailsResourceService.update(dto)

    void delete() {

Your wrapper: 您的包装器:

class AuthOrder {
   OrderDetails orderDetails;
   Token userToken;
   Password password;

Now you expect an AuthOrder-Json-Object instead of an OrderDetails. 现在,您期望使用AuthOrder-Json-Object而不是OrderDetails。 In your GET/PUT/DELETE-Operations you read the user and password and check if it is allowed to do the job. 在GET / PUT / DELETE-Operations中,您读取用户和密码,并检查是否允许其执行此工作。 Then pass on the OrderDetails-Object. 然后传递OrderDetails-Object。

For the json-rest-authentication in general I suggest you to read how-do-people-handle-authentication-for-restful-apis-technology-agnostic 对于一般的json-rest-authentication,我建议您阅读如何为静态apis技术不可知的人处理身份验证

EDIT: Example for @PUT; 编辑:@PUT的示例;

class OrderDetailsResource {

def orderDetailsResourceService
def id

Response read() {
    ok orderDetailsResourceService.read(id)

Response update(AuthOrder dto) {
    if (validateUser(dto.getUserName, dto.getUserPassword)) {
       OrderDetails orderDetails= dto.getOrderDetails();
       dto.id = id
       ok orderDetailsResourceService.update(dto)
    } else 
       //not ok response

 void delete() {

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