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[英]“Subscript out of range” error when I divide 1 Sub into 2 Sub's in VBA-Excel

I wrote a VBA-SQL code in a "Module" which reads a table from a sheet, then it sends the table to server via SQL-code. 我在“模块”中编写了VBA-SQL代码,该模块从工作表中读取表,然后通过SQL代码将表发送到服务器。 I am saving each column as an array result1(), result2(), result3() , and Col1, Col2 are just column names in the server. 我将每一列保存为数组result1(), result2(), result3() ,而Col1, Col2只是服务器中的列名。 it is index for the arrays (same index for all arrays) The VBA-SQL code is something like this. it是数组的索引(所有数组的索引都相同)。VBA-SQL代码是这样的。 And this Sub works perfectly: 这个Sub完美地工作:

Sub Datasend_Click()

Dim result1() As Variant, result2() As Variant, result3() As Variant
Dim Col1 As String, Col2 As String, Col3 As String
Dim it As Integer

    Set ValidSheet = Worksheets("Sheet2")
    Set DataRange = ValidSheet.Range("C22:C81")
        it = 1
    For Each dataa In DataRange
        ReDim Preserve result1(it)
            result1(it) = dataa.Value
            it = it + 1

     Set DataRange = ValidSheet.Range("D22:D81")
        it = 1
    For Each dataa In DataRange
        ReDim Preserve result2(it)
            result2(it) = dataa.Value
            it = it + 1

 For it = 1 To 60

    SQL = "INSERT INTO PaymentPattern (" & Col1 & ", " & Col2 & ", " & Col3 & ") "
    SQL = SQL & "VALUES (" & Str(result1(it)) & ", " & Str(result2(it)) & ", " & Str(result3(it)) & ")"

    dbclass.ExecuteSQL SQL

  Next it

End Sub

However, I want to separate this Sub into 2 Sub's instead. 但是,我想将此Sub分成2个Sub's The first Sub will read and save the arrays from the sheet (then I can use the arrays for other Sub's ), and the second Sub will call the first Sub and run the SQL-code to send the arrays to the server. 第一个Sub将从表中读取并保存数组(然后我可以将数组用于其他Sub's数组),第二个Sub将调用第一个Sub并运行SQL代码以将数组发送到服务器。 I wrote 2 Sub's like below, but I get an error like "Subscript out of range" for the line SQL = SQL & "VALUES (" & Str(result1(it)) & ", " & Str(result2(it)) & ", " & Str(result3(it)) & ")" . 我像下面这样写了2个Sub's ,但是我在行SQL = SQL & "VALUES (" & Str(result1(it)) & ", " & Str(result2(it)) & ", " & Str(result3(it)) & ")"收到类似“下标超出范围”的错误SQL = SQL & "VALUES (" & Str(result1(it)) & ", " & Str(result2(it)) & ", " & Str(result3(it)) & ")" When I debug it, it shows that it=1 as normal, but it shows "Subcript out of range" for the result1(it) . 当我调试它时,它表明it=1正常,但是它对result1(it)显示了“ Subcript out of range”。 Can you say please what is wrong? 你能说出什么问题吗?

Sub arrayread()
  Dim result1() As Variant, result2() As Variant, result3() As Variant
  Dim it As Integer

    Set ValidSheet = Worksheets("Sheet2")
    Set DataRange = ValidSheet.Range("C22:C81")
        it = 1
    For Each dataa In DataRange
        ReDim Preserve result1(it)
            result1(it) = dataa.Value
            it = it + 1

     Set DataRange = ValidSheet.Range("D22:D81")
        it = 1
    For Each dataa In DataRange
        ReDim Preserve result2(it)
            result2(it) = dataa.Value
            it = it + 1

End Sub

Sub Datasend_Click()
  Dim result1() As Variant, result2() As Variant, result3() As Variant
  Dim it As Integer
  Dim Col1 As String, Col2 As String, Col3 As String


  For it = 1 To 60

    SQL = "INSERT INTO PaymentPattern (" & Col1 & ", " & Col2 & ", " & Col3 & ") "
    SQL = SQL & "VALUES (" & Str(result1(it)) & ", " & Str(result2(it)) & ", " & Str(result3(it)) & ")"

    dbclass.ExecuteSQL SQL

  Next it

End Sub

It comes down to the scope of the arrays (where they are declared). 它归结为数组的范围(在声明它们的地方)。 You are declaring them separately in each sub, so result1 in Datasend_Click knows nothing about result1 from arrayread . 您要在每个子项中分别声明它们,因此Datasend_Click中的result1对arrayread的result1 arrayread Therefore, result1 and result2 will be empty in the second sub which causes your Subscript out of range error, given you have no elements yet you are trying to access it. 因此,鉴于您还没有试图访问它的元素,第二个result2 result1result2将为空,这将导致您的下Subscript out of range错误。

Here is a Microsoft article outlining VBA variable scope: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/141693 . 这是一篇Microsoft文章,概述了VBA变量范围: https : //support.microsoft.com/zh-cn/kb/141693 Chip Pearson also has a good article on this subject: http://www.cpearson.com/excel/scope.aspx Chip Pearson对此主题也有不错的文章: http : //www.cpearson.com/excel/scope.aspx

You should move the declaration of result1 and result2 to the top of your Module (above the Sub s) so they they have Class Level scope (available to all methods in the Module). 您应该将result1result2的声明移到Module的顶部(在Sub上方),以便它们具有Class Level范围(可用于Module中的所有方法)。

Dim result1() As Variant, result2() As Variant, result3() As Variant

Sub arrayread()
  Dim it As Integer

    Set ValidSheet = Worksheets("Sheet2")
    Set DataRange = ValidSheet.Range("C22:C81")
        it = 1
    For Each dataa In DataRange
        ReDim Preserve result1(it)
            result1(it) = dataa.Value
            it = it + 1

     Set DataRange = ValidSheet.Range("D22:D81")
        it = 1
    For Each dataa In DataRange
        ReDim Preserve result2(it)
            result2(it) = dataa.Value
            it = it + 1

End Sub

Sub Datasend_Click()

  Dim it As Integer
  Dim Col1 As String, Col2 As String, Col3 As String


  For it = 1 To 60

    SQL = "INSERT INTO PaymentPattern (" & Col1 & ", " & Col2 & ", " & Col3 & ") "
    SQL = SQL & "VALUES (" & Str(result1(it)) & ", " & Str(result2(it)) & ", " & Str(result3(it)) & ")"

    dbclass.ExecuteSQL SQL

  Next it

End Sub 

My preferred solution would be to be passing the results in and out of the methods rather than having module-level scope, as this can cause spaghetti code issues down the track. 我的首选解决方案是将结果传入和传出方法,而不要具有模块级范围,因为这可能会导致意粉代码问题不断出现。

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