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[英]Smooth ExitAction in WPF Trigger using Storyboard

I have a WPF aplication and here I want to override the ugly default WPF styles. 我有一个WPF应用程序,在这里我想覆盖难看的默认WPF样式。 I have created the Styles.xaml dictionary and here I have almost finished with styles, but there are some problems with animation and smooth transition between different visual states (triggers). 我创建了Styles.xaml词典,在这里我几乎完成了样式,但是在动画和不同视觉状态(触发)之间的平滑过渡方面存在一些问题。

One of my challenges was that I don't want to have any C# event handlers or other C# code bound to styles. 我的挑战之一是我不想将任何C#事件处理程序或其他C#代码绑定到样式。

Here I provide some code on my trigger: 在这里,我在触发器上提供了一些代码:

        <Condition Property="IsEnabled" Value="True" />
        <Condition Property="IsMouseOver" Value="True" />
        <Condition Property="IsPressed" Value="False" />
        <BeginStoryboard Name="MouseOverStoryboard">
            <Storyboard Duration="0:0:0.25" SlipBehavior="Grow">
                <ColorAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="InnerBorder" 
                                To="{StaticResource White}" 
                                BeginTime="0:0:0" Duration="0:0:0.25" />
                <DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="InnerBorder" 
                                 BeginTime="0:0:0" Duration="0:0:0.25" />
        <RemoveStoryboard BeginStoryboardName="MouseOverStoryboard" />

To make animation smooth I added EnterAction and put Storyboard here with timings, so entering animation is smooth and looking well. 为了使动画更流畅,我添加了EnterAction并将Storyboard与时序一起放置在此处,因此输入动画很流畅且看起来不错。

My first question was about how to get back to default color when my BeginStoryboard was executed, but then I realised I can use RemoveStoryboard. 我的第一个问题是关于执行BeginStoryboard时如何恢复默认颜色,但后来我意识到可以使用RemoveStoryboard。

Now I really don't know I my ideas are out - how to make smooth exit animation? 现在我真的不知道我的想法出了点-如何制作流畅的退出动画? Shouldn't I use RemoveStoryboard? 我不应该使用RemoveStoryboard吗?

Please provide suggestions. 请提供建议。 Thanks. 谢谢。

PS I'm not using VisualStateManager, because of lack of states and I don't want to implement my own controls for that. PS我不使用VisualStateManager,因为缺乏状态,我不想为此实现自己的控件。

How about adding a new animation object that starts when the enter action animation duration elapsed. 如何添加一个新的动画对象,该对象在输入动作动画持续时间过去后开始。 Or how about using the ExitAction property of your Trigger by adding a Storyboard that reverts your EnterAction . 或通过添加一个Storyboard来还原您的EnterAction来使用触发器的ExitAction属性。 Or you could try to set the Fillbehavior property to 'Stop... 或者您可以尝试将Fillbehavior属性设置为“停止...”。

Another option is to use an EventSetter to catch RoutedEvents like MouseEnter and MouseLeave . 另一个选择是使用EventSetter来捕获RoutedEvents例如MouseEnterMouseLeave

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