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在提交时将文本输入注释textarea html / jquery

[英]input text into a comment textarea html/jquery on submit

So Basically I want to make my function on Click submit the select box values to a comment box on a page this just holds it in a textarea that must be copied and pasted to the comment box. 所以,基本上,我想在Click上执行我的功能,将选择框值提交到页面上的注释框,这会将其保存在必须复制并粘贴到注释框的文本区域中。

<script type="text/javascript">
    ('#select select').appendTo('myDiv');
    ('#select select').attr('selected').html().clone().sppendTo('textarea');
    var text1 = $('#equipment option:selected').val();
    var text2 = $('#locid option:selected').val();
    var text3 = $('#areaid option:selected').val();
    var text4 = $('#status option:selected').val();
    var text5 = $('#employee option:selected').val();
    var text6 = $('#Room option:selected').val();
    ('#myDiv textarea').html("The " + text1 + " is " + text4+" at " + text2+" on the/in " + text3  + text6 +" Submitted BY:  " + text5 + " Any Additional     Comments or concerns may be posted here:  ");

This is the html code of the Comment textarea i want to insert into. 这是我要插入的Comment文本区域的html代码。

<textarea class="input-full" name="commentText" maxlength="40000"         placeholder="Leave a comment…">Text Goes Here</textarea>

Sounds like a job for .val() jquery method. 听起来像.val() jquery方法的工作。 More specifically, this . 更具体地说, GL GL

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