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拉伸图像在 Internet Explorer 11 中未正确显示

[英]Stretched Images are not shown proper in Internet Explorer 11

在此链接中,衬衫的图像在 IE 中未正确显示

After looking at your preview I assume you mean the images at the bottom, it says you've defined the height in HTML as 210px therefore they look stretched because they're being told to be!查看您的预览后,我假设您指的是底部的图像,它表示您已将 HTML 中的高度定义为 210 像素,因此它们看起来被拉伸了,因为它们被告知是这样的!

I'd suggest defining the width in CSS and setting the height: auto;我建议在 CSS 中定义宽度并设置高度:auto;

This way the images will be controlled and appear as they should do.通过这种方式,图像将被控制并显示为它们应该做的。

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