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[英]Insufficient privileges to complete the operation while update via azure graph api

I'm trying to update users profiles in azure via graph api. 我正在尝试通过图形API更新Azure中的用户个人资料。 When it comes to "mobile" attribute I receive the exception: "Insufficient privileges to complete the operation". 当涉及“移动”属性时,我会收到一个例外:“权限不足,无法完成操作”。 Many attributes like city, streetAddress or telephoneNumber are updated successfully with the same portion of PHP code. 许多属性(例如city,streetAddress或TelephoneNumber)已使用相同的PHP代码部分成功更新。 Is this a configuration/schema problem? 这是配置/架构问题吗?

In my test, I promoted the permissions of the app accessing to WAAD, as the figures show: 在测试中,我提升了应用程序访问WAAD的权限,如下图所示:

在此处输入图片说明 and 在此处输入图片说明

And I sign on the application with an account as an administrator of organization,shown in the USERS => {user_name} => PROFILE => ROLE section. 和我与帐户作为组织的管理员应用程序签名,在USERS所示=> {USER_NAME} => PROFILE => ROLE部。


Then I can update user profile with mobile phone with any format. 然后,我可以使用任何格式的手机更新用户个人资料。 If the mobile phone number should be with country code, the number format should better be like +1 1234567890 . 如果手机号码应使用国家/地区代码,则电话号码格式最好为+1 1234567890

BTW, in my test, after configuring the permission of application, I waited for almost an hour since Azure AD seemed to cache the old permission. 顺便说一句,在我的测试中,配置了应用程序的权限后,由于Azure AD似乎缓存了旧权限,所以我等待了将近一个小时。

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