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[英]How can I mount easyrtc on webserver?

I'm trying to develop a video chat web-application with webrtc using easyrtc. 我正在尝试使用easyrtc使用webrtc开发视频聊天Web应用程序。 I have developed it on my local machine. 我已经在本地计算机上开发了它。 It runs well with node.js server on my localhost. 它与我的本地主机上的node.js服务器一起运行良好。 But how can I mount it on my web-server? 但是,如何将其安装在Web服务器上? That means, when a user visit my website, he will able to video chat by this. 这意味着,当用户访问我的网站时,他将能够以此进行视频聊天。

Very simple..put your project on sever, open firewall that allows connection throws in and out. 非常简单..将您的项目放在开放的防火墙上,允许连接进出。 Then integrate with your authentication system.. Done 然后与您的身份验证系统集成。完成

If you have developed the application on node.js, you only have to follow the deploying procedure for an node.js app. 如果您已经在node.js上开发了该应用程序,则只需遵循node.js应用程序的部署过程即可。 In case that you have an app (php, ruby, python or others) that uses easyrtc as an signaling server, you can deploy your easyrtc and app to the same server or separately. 如果您有一个使用easyrtc作为信令服务器的应用程序(php,ruby,python或其他),则可以将easyrtc和应用程序部署到同一服务器或单独部署。

On the secon case you should use easyrtc.setSocketUrl("//mydomain.com:8080"); 在第二种情况下,您应该使用easyrtc.setSocketUrl("//mydomain.com:8080"); to avoid connection issues related to socket.io. 以避免与socket.io相关的连接问题。 For more info on this see: 有关此的更多信息,请参见:

https://easyrtc.com/docs/easyrtc_with_other_servers.php https://easyrtc.com/docs/easyrtc_with_other_servers.php

Also remember that you application needs to work with https to work correctly in Chrome. 还要记住,您的应用程序需要使用https才能在Chrome中正常工作。 See this: 看到这个:

https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2015/10/chrome-47-webrtc https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2015/10/chrome-47-webrtc

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