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[英]Remove brackets and quotation marks from CSV generated output

I use CSV to save each line in a text file as a separate object in the database. 我使用CSV将每一行保存在文本文件中,作为数据库中的单独对象。

Each line is saved with added closing brackets and double quotes: 每行保存有添加的右括号和双引号:

["One line of text"]

Is there any option in CSV to exclude those, or else any other nifty way to remove them? CSV中是否有任何选项可将其排除在外,或者通过其他任何巧妙的方式将其删除?

require 'csv'

def self.import_lines_of_text(filename)
  csv_file_path = "db/questions/#{filename}"

  CSV.foreach(csv_file_path) do |row|
    clean_sentence = row.join(",")
    self.create!(content: clean_sentence)

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