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[英]How to customize a javascript file

I want to provide my clients with JS scripts served form my server to their websites.我想为我的客户提供从我的服务器到他们网站的 JS 脚本。 I want the integration to be super easy.我希望集成超级简单。 All they're supposed to do is to add the following line on their page:他们应该做的就是在他们的页面上添加以下行:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http:/myserver.com/client_script.js?some_parameter=some_value"></script>

I want to serve each user a slightly different JS file.我想为每个用户提供一个略有不同的 JS 文件。 Basically I want to add some variables based on some_parameter 's value.基本上我想根据some_parameter的值添加一些变量。

The thing is I want to do it efficiently.问题是我想有效地做到这一点。 First thing that comes to my mind is to put some placeholders in the script and just use the string replace method on the file's content.我想到的第一件事是在脚本中放置一些占位符,然后在文件内容上使用字符串替换方法。 However if the JS file is big, this can take long.但是,如果 JS 文件很大,这可能需要很长时间。

Is there a smart way to do this?有没有聪明的方法来做到这一点?

I'd suggest looking at what other 3rd party plugins do to handle this.我建议查看其他 3rd 方插件如何处理此问题。 Lets look at a couple for sake of example:让我们看几个例子:

KISSmetrics KISSmetrics

<script type="text/javascript">var _kmq = _kmq || [];
var _kmk = _kmk || 'xxx';
function _kms(u){
    var d = document, f = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0],
    s = d.createElement('script');
    s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.async = true; s.src = u;
    f.parentNode.insertBefore(s, f);
  }, 1);
_kms('//doug1izaerwt3.cloudfront.net/' + _kmk + '.1.js');

See that line with var _kmk = _kmk || 'xxx';var _kmk = _kmk || 'xxx';查看那条线var _kmk = _kmk || 'xxx'; . . The 'xxx' is where my key would sit. 'xxx'是我的钥匙所在的位置。 Then after the library is loaded, it can look at the _kmk variable that has been set and do something with it.然后在库加载后,它可以查看已设置的_kmk变量并对其进行处理。

A slightly more complicated example would be Keen:一个稍微复杂一点的例子是 Keen:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var Keen=Keen||{configure:function(e){this._cf=e},addEvent:function(e,t,n,i){this._eq=this._eq||[],this._eq.push([e,t,n,i])},setGlobalProperties:function(e){this._gp=e},onChartsReady:function(e){this._ocrq=this._ocrq||[],this._ocrq.push(e)}};(function(){var e=document.createElement("script");e.type="text/javascript",e.async=!0,e.src=("https:"==document.location.protocol?"https://":"http://")+"dc8na2hxrj29i.cloudfront.net/code/keen-2.1.0-min.js";var t=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];t.parentNode.insertBefore(e,t)})();
        projectId: "xxxxxx",
        writeKey: "xxxxxx", // required for sending events
        readKey: "xxxxxx"    // required for doing analysis

Look how they set themselves up with a mini api ahead of time to pass configuration data along.看看他们如何提前设置一个迷你 api 来传递配置数据。 If all you need is one key set, then i'd probably take the KISS route.如果您只需要一套钥匙,那么我可能会选择 KISS 路线。 But if you need to pass a lot along, maybe something more like Keen would do it.但是如果你需要传递很多东西,也许更像 Keen 的东西会做。 You can always go back to the tried and true way Google Analytics do it as well.您也可以随时使用 Google Analytics(分析)经过验证的真实方式。

LMK what you think. LMK你怎么想。 But looking at the way current companies handle this should help you.但是看看当前公司处理这个问题的方式应该会对你有所帮助。 The biggest thing is you want to be able to serve one JS file that is cached and very fast to send out.最重要的是,您希望能够提供一个缓存的 JS 文件,并且可以非常快速地发送出去。 You for sure dont want to be generating files for everyone, it would be very server intensive at that point.您肯定不想为每个人生成文件,那时服务器会非常密集。

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