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如何在Mocha.js + Selenium + wd.js中解析StaleElementReference

[英]How to resolve StaleElementReference in Mocha.js + Selenium + wd.js

I'm writing automation tests for a website using Mocha + SeleniumServer + wd.js + chai-as-promised. 我正在使用Mocha + SeleniumServer + wd.js + chai-as-promised为网站编写自动化测试。 The website uses JavaScript for the front-end which seems to refresh the elements on the page when certain action is performed. 该网站的前端使用JavaScript,当执行某些操作时,该JavaScript似乎会刷新页面上的元素。 ie Upon selecting an element in a grid, the "next" button is enabled to allow user to move on to the next page. 即,在选择网格中的元素后,将启用“下一个”按钮,以允许用户继续下一页。 It seems that this changes the reference to the button element resulting in the StaleElementReference error. 似乎这会更改对按钮元素的引用,从而导致StaleElementReference错误。

        describe('1st step', function () {
        it('should select an element is grid', function () {
            return browser
                .waitForElementByCss('#grid', wd.asserters.isDisplayed, 20000)
                .elementByCss('#grid .elementToBeSelected')
                .hasElementByCss('#grid elementToBeSelected.active')

        it('should proceed next step', function () {
            return browser
                .waitForElementByCss('.btnGrid .btn.nextBtn:not(.disabled)', wd.asserters.isDisplayed, 20000)
                .elementByCss('.btnGrid .btn.nextBtn:not(.disabled)')
                .click()//Error thrown here

With my limited experience with JavaScript, I have tried all that i could think off, but to no avail. 由于我在JavaScript方面的有限经验,我尝试了所有我能想到的,但无济于事。 So is there anyway I can avoid this StaleElementReference error? 所以无论如何我都可以避免此StaleElementReference错误? Also, the error is only sometimes thrown during execution. 同样,该错误有时仅在执行期间抛出。

You might want to read some more on the Stale Element Reference exception. 您可能想阅读有关Stale Element Reference异常的更多信息。 From what you are describing, it sounds like you get a reference to an element, do something on the page which then changes/removes the referenced element. 从您所描述的内容看来,您好像获得了对元素的引用,请在页面上执行一些操作,然后更改/删除引用的元素。 When you do something with the variable reference you get this error. 当您对变量引用进行操作时,会出现此错误。 The solution really depends on the code you are using to do your tests and your framework for accessing elements. 该解决方案实际上取决于您用于执行测试的代码以及用于访问元素的框架。 In general, you need to be aware of when you perform an action that changes the page and refetch the element before you access it. 通常,您需要知道何时执行更改页面和重新获取元素的操作,然后再访问它。 You could always refetch an element before you access it, you could refetch all elements that are affected by a page change, and so on... 您可以始终在访问元素之前重新获取元素,可以重新获取受页面更改影响的所有元素,依此类推...

You code probably looks something like this 您的代码可能看起来像这样

WebElement e = driver.findElement(...); // get the element
// do something that changes the page which, in turn, changes e above
e.click(); // throws the StaleElementReference exception

What you probably want is something more like one of these... 您可能想要的更像是其中之一...

Don't fetch the element until you need it 在需要之前不要获取元素

// do something that changes the page which, in turn, changes e above
WebElement e = driver.findElement(...); // get the element
e.click(); // throws the StaleElementReference exception

...or fetch it again right before you need it... ...或者在需要之前再次获取它...

WebElement e = driver.findElement(...); // get the element
// do something that changes the page which, in turn, changes e above
e = driver.findElement(...); // get the element
e.click(); // throws the StaleElementReference exception

I would prefer the first fix... just fetch what you need when you need it. 我更喜欢第一个修复程序……只要需要就可以获取所需的内容。 That should be the most efficient way to solve this problem. 那应该是解决这个问题的最有效方法。 The second fix might have performance issues because you might be refetching a bunch of elements over and over and either never using them or refetching them 10 times only to reference the element once at the end. 第二个修复程序可能会出现性能问题,因为您可能会一遍又一遍地重新获取一堆元素,而从不使用它们,或者仅将它们引用一次就重新获取了10次。

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