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[英]TYPO3 'Database' Search Extension

I´d like to implement something like a store finder by ZIP-code in my TYPO3 website. 我想ZIP-code in my TYPO3网站上用ZIP-code in my TYPO3实现诸如商店查找器之类的东西。 I know there are Extensions that let users enter a ZIP-code/adress and find the nearest location but that's not what I´m after. 我知道有一些扩展程序,可以使用户输入ZIP-code/adress并找到最近的位置,但这不是我想要的。

We deliver to our customers and follow fixed delivery plans. 我们交付给客户并遵循固定的交付计划。 I want a user to enter his ZIP-code and the website should answer with one (or more) snippets with the delivery tables for the matching driver (or drivers) . 我希望用户输入其邮政编码,然后网站应提供一个(或多个)片段以及与之匹配的一个或多个驱动程序的交付表。

TD;DR How do I search a multitude of content elements in TYPO3 and display only those with matching substrings? TD; DR如何在TYPO3中搜索多个内容元素并仅显示具有匹配子字符串的内容元素?

Maybee just use Content Object "CONTENT" and use "select" in Typoscript: Maybee只需使用内容对象“ CONTENT”,然后在Typoscript中使用“ select”即可:

https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/TyposcriptReference/ContentObjects/Content/Index.html https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/TyposcriptReference/ContentObjects/Content/Index.html

And write your own select statement like: 并编写您自己的select语句,例如:

"where = (title LIKE '%ZIP%')"

https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/TyposcriptReference/Functions/Select/Index.html https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/TyposcriptReference/Functions/Select/Index.html

An example, in german, but you will understand the typoscript part: 以德语为例,但您会理解打字部分:

http://www.typo3wizard.com/de/artikel/das-content-objekt.html http://www.typo3wizard.com/de/artikel/das-content-objekt.html

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