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如何用SQLAlchemy对* count *子查询求和?

[英]How to sum *count* subqueries with SQLAlchemy?

I have the following models in my DB (Flask-SQLALchemy, declarative approach, simplified): 我的数据库中有以下模型(Flask-SQLALchemy,声明性方法,已简化):

class Player(db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key = True)

class Game(db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key = True)
    creator_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('player.id'))
    creator = db.relationship(Player, foreign_keys='Game.creator_id')
    opponent_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('player.id'))
    opponent = db.relationship(Player, foreign_keys='Game.opponent_id')
    winner = db.Column(db.Enum('creator', 'opponent'))

Each game may be either won, lost or ended in draw. 每场比赛可能赢,输或平局。 I need to get players sorting them by "win rate" - ie: 我需要让玩家按“获胜率”对它们进行排序-即:

  • if player created a game and that game's winner is creator , it is considered win; 如果玩家创建了一个游戏,而该游戏的赢家是creator ,则视为获胜;
  • if the player was invited to game as opponent and game's winner is opponent , it is also considered win; 如果邀请玩家作为对手参加比赛,而游戏的获胜者为opponent ,则也视为获胜;
  • other games where this player participated are considered lost games. 该玩家参加的其他游戏被视为输掉的游戏。

So my algorithm is as follows: 所以我的算法如下:

def winrate(self):
    games = Game.query.filter(or_(
        Game.creator_id == self.id,
        Game.opponent_id == self.id,
    count = 0
    wins = 0
    for game in games:
        count += 1
        if game.creator_id == self.id and game.winner == 'creator':
            wins += 1
        elif game.opponent_id == self.id and game.winner == 'opponent':
            wins += 1
    if count == 0:
        return 0
    return wins / count

This approach works when I want to determine win rate for particular player; 当我要确定特定玩家的获胜率时,这种方法有效。 but it fails when I want to sort players by win rate. 但是当我想按获胜率对玩家进行排序时,它失败了。 I tried to rewrite it in SQL and got something like this: 我试图用SQL重写它,并得到了这样的内容:

SELECT * FROM player
ORDER BY ((SELECT count(g1.id) FROM game g1
    WHERE g1.creator_id = player.id AND g1.winner = 'creator'
) + (SELECT count(g2.id) FROM game g2
    WHERE g2.opponent_id = player.id AND g2.winner = 'opponent'
)) / (SELECT count(g3.id) FROM game g3
    WHERE player.id IN (g3.creator_id, g3.opponent_id)

This doesn't handle players without games but should work in general. 这不能处理没有游戏的玩家,但应该可以正常工作。 Players without games can be probably handled with MySQL CASE statement. 没有游戏的玩家可能可以使用MySQL CASE语句来处理。

But the problem is that I cannot figure how do I encode this SQL using SQLAlchemy. 但是问题是我无法弄清楚如何使用SQLAlchemy对该SQL进行编码。 Here is a (simplified) code I try to use: 这是我尝试使用的(简化)代码:

def winrate(cls):
    cnt = Game.query.filter(
        cls.id.in_(Game.creator_id, Game.opponent_id)
    won = Game.query.filter(
                Game.creator_id == cls.id,
                Game.winner == 'creator',
                Game.opponent_id == cls.id,
                Game.winner == 'opponent',
    return case([
        (count == 0, 0),
    ], else_ = (
        won / count

This code fails when it comes to won / count line telling me that Query cannot be divided by Query . 当涉及won / count行时,此代码失败,告诉我Query不能被Query I tried using subqueries but without any success. 我尝试使用子查询,但没有成功。

How should I implement it? 我应该如何实施? Or maybe I should use some kind of joins/whatever? 还是我应该使用某种联接/其他方式? (DB scheme cannot be changed.) (无法更改数据库方案。)

Try working with core expressions instead of orm queries: 尝试使用核心表达式而不是orm查询:

class Player(..):
    # ...
    def _winrate(cls):
        cnt = (
                    Game.creator_id == cls.id,
                    Game.opponent_id == cls.id,
        won = (
                    db.and_(Game.creator_id == cls.id,
                            Game.winner == 'creator'),
                    db.and_(Game.opponent_id == cls.id,
                            Game.winner == 'opponent'),

        return db.case(
            [(cnt == 0, 0)],
            else_ = db.cast(won, db.Numeric) / cnt
# ...
q = session.query(Player).order_by(Player.winrate.desc())

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