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Reveal.js html5 视频和 javascript - 在幻灯片更改问题上从头开始重新启动视频播放

[英]Reveal.js html5 video and javascript - restarting video playback from beginning on slide change problems

I'm trying to make a kisok application to show some slides and play 2 videos from a menu using reveal.js.我正在尝试制作一个 kisok 应用程序来显示一些幻灯片并使用reveal.js 从菜单中播放 2 个视频。 it is all working well and looks great apart from the video playback.除了视频播放之外,一切都运行良好,看起来很棒。

Im using a <video> tag inside the <section> as the data-background-video="something.mp4" didn't seem to restart on slide change either.我在<section>使用了<video>标签,因为data-background-video="something.mp4"似乎也没有在幻灯片更改时重新启动。 If i'm navigating out of the playing video slide and then returning to it, the video resumes where it left off and doesn't restart at the beginning as I require like even though autoplay is set to true.如果我导航出正在播放的视频幻灯片然后返回到它,视频会从它停止的地方恢复,并且不会像我需要的那样从头开始,即使自动播放设置为 true。

I have tried to write something that does this with javascript using the api on Reveal.addEventListener after naming the <section> with data-state="something" and it works.. well kind of.. it works successfully for the first video only, well, then only for a while then it seems to break all video playback.在将<section>命名为data-state="something"之后,我尝试使用Reveal.addEventListener上的 api 使用 JavaScript 编写一些可以执行此操作的内容,并且它可以工作.. 很好......它仅适用于第一个视频,嗯,然后只是一段时间然后它似乎打破了所有的视频播放。 the second video plays once then will not restart and i then can not control it via the console either.第二个视频播放一次然后不会重新启动,然后我也无法通过控制台控制它。

here is the relevant html:这是相关的html:

<!--*********************************************************Video 1 Page-->
                <section id="rene_vid_page" data-state="video1_show" data-transition="fade-in fade-out"  data-background="img/Backdrop.svg">
                    <h1 class="page_title">My page title</h1>
                    <video id="rene_vidplayer" data-autoplay data-src="Videos/full_edit_portrait.mp4" ></video>

<!--*********************************************************End Of Video 1 Page-->

<!--*********************************************************Video 2 Page-->
                <section id="conc_vid_page" data-state="video2_show" data-transition="fade-in fade-out" data-background-color="#c8c8c8">
                    <h1 class="page_title">My page title</h1>
                    <video id="conc_vidplayer" data-autoplay data-src="Videos/2 Conclusions.mp4" ></video>

<!--*********************************************************End Of Video 2 Page-->

Here is the javascript i have cobbled together, this also advances to the next slide when the video is finished and that bit works..这是我拼凑的javascript,当视频完成并且该位有效时,这也会前进到下一张幻灯片。

                          var video = document.getElementById("rene_vidplayer");
                          video.onended = function (e) {
                                console.log("video_ended slide advance");
                            Reveal.addEventListener('video1_show', function (e) {

// Called when "video1_show" slide is made visible

                                console.log('"rene video show has been called"');
                                video.currentTime = 0;
                                console.log('"videotime set to 0"');
                                console.log('"video set to play"');


                            var video2 = document.getElementById("conc_vidplayer");
                            video2.onended = function (e) {
                                console.log("video2_ended slide advance");

                            Reveal.addEventListener('video2_show', function (e) {
// Called when "video2_show" slide is made visible

                                console.log('"video2_show has been called"');
                                video2.currentTime = 0;
                                console.log('"videotime set to 0"');
                                console.log('"video2 set to play"')


I can see in the console that the logs i have put in are working in the right places but the video stops behaving :( the second video will run from video2.play() in the console but only if the first one hasn't finished or the second one been played already.我可以在控制台中看到我放入的日志在正确的位置工作,但视频停止运行:( 第二个视频将从控制台中的 video2.play() 运行,但前提是第一个视频尚未完成或者第二个已经玩过了。

You can tell that my js coding is not great at the moment and there are probably so many errors, and ultimately a much better way of doing this.你可以看出我的 js 编码目前不是很好,可能有很多错误,最终有一个更好的方法来做到这一点。 Any help or advice is greatly appreciated as it is desperately needed for a show next week!!非常感谢任何帮助或建议,因为下周的演出迫切需要它!!

Ok, so i got this to work by adding a video.load() and video2.load() into the respective Reveal.addEventListener sections.好的,所以我通过将 video.load() 和 video2.load() 添加到相应的 Reveal.addEventListener 部分来使其工作。 Not sure if there are any problems associated with doing it this way or whether there is a better way?不确定这样做是否有任何问题,或者是否有更好的方法?
However this is now working fine!然而,这现在工作正常! :) :)

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