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在 Netbeans 中找不到符号 GWTServiceAsync

[英]Cannot find symbol GWTServiceAsync in Netbeans

So, I'm new to GWT and I've just installed the plugin.所以,我是 GWT 的新手,我刚刚安装了插件。 I had all the dependency problems in the Universe (Since, apparently, all the real stuff does not come with the plugin), so I've downloaded GWT manually and added all the jars, and I've just created a new Maven/GAE/GWT/Whatever GWT project (Which was the only option available), and...... It does not work.我在 Universe 中遇到了所有依赖问题(因为,显然,所有真正的东西都没有随插件一起提供),所以我手动下载了 GWT 并添加了所有 jar,我刚刚创建了一个新的 Maven/GAE /GWT/任何 GWT 项目(这是唯一可用的选项),并且......它不起作用。 I can't find GWTServiceAsync anywhere, not even in official docs.我在任何地方都找不到 GWTServiceAsync,甚至在官方文档中也找不到。 So, how can I import it?那么,如何导入呢?


It seems you directly using the names of the interface by seeing in examples.通过查看示例,您似乎直接使用了接口的名称。

You need to create those client side and server side interface and the corresponding implemented class as well.您还需要创建那些客户端和服务器端接口以及相应的实现类。

If you are not understanding what I speaking, here is a complete example to create an RPC.如果你不明白我在说什么,这里有一个完整的例子来创建一个 RPC。

How to make an GWT server call(GWT RPC?) 如何进行 GWT 服务器调用(GWT RPC?)

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