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[英]2011 Dynamic CRM Workflow

I have added companies and contacts to 2011 Dynamic CRM online. 我已经在2011 Dynamic CRM Online中添加了公司和联系人。 The contacts are tied back to the company. 联系人已绑定到公司。 However, I want to create a workflow that allows me to update the company and add a primary contact to the company record whenever the contact full name is present in the active contact list under the company form. 但是,我想创建一个工作流,以便在公司表单下的活动联系人列表中出现联系人全名时,可以更新公司并将主要联系人添加到公司记录中。 Any suggestions? 有什么建议么?

A few thoughts: 一些想法:

1) A workflow can be triggered by either an event, or by a person hitting "Run Workflow." 1)工作流可以由事件触发,也可以由人点击“运行工作流”触发。 It's not clear from your question whether you want this workflow to run automatically or by human intervention ("whenever the contact full name is present in the active contacts list" - that really just means the 2 records are related to each other through the Contact's "Parent Customer" field). 从您的问题尚不清楚,您是要自动运行此工作流还是要通过人工干预(“无论何时在活动联系人列表中显示联系人全名”,这实际上只是意味着2条记录是通过联系人的“父客户”字段。 If you want it to run automatically, you would set it to run either on Create of Contact or Update of the Parent Customer field on Contact (or both). 如果希望它自动运行,则可以将其设置为在“联系人创建”或“联系人的父客户更新”字段上运行(或同时运行)。 If you want a person to trigger it, you just set it to On-Demand. 如果要有人触发它,只需将其设置为“按需”即可。
2) If you set up this workflow, that means that the newest contact will always overwrite the existing contact in the account form as the "Primary Contact". 2)如果您设置此工作流程,则意味着最新的联系人将始终以“主要联系人”的身份覆盖帐户表单中的现有联系人。 This is not always advisable. 这并不总是明智的。 You probably want to include a check in the workflow to only run if this field does not contain data, otherwise stop the workflow. 您可能希望在工作流中包括一个检查,以便仅在此字段不包含数据的情况下运行,否则请停止工作流。

You can create a workflow, which triggers on: Create of contact and update of contact. 您可以创建一个工作流,该工作流将触发:创建联系人和更新联系人。 Then in the workflow check, if the full name is present. 然后在工作流程中检查是否存在全名。 If yes you can update the company. 如果是,您可以更新公司。

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