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[英]Init Script Not Running On System Reboot/Shutdown

I have made a bash init script in file at /etc/init.d/redis-snapshot :我在/etc/init.d/redis-snapshot文件中创建了一个 bash init 脚本:


# Provides:          redis-snapshot
# Required-Start:    $local_fs $syslog Stime redis-server
# Required-Stop:     $local_fs $syslog $time redis-server
# Default-Start:     0 6
# Default-Stop:      2 3 4 5
# Short-Description: Backup redis data on system exit
# Description:       redis-snapshot is a simple bash script to dump redis data
#                    to disk whenever the system shuts down or reboots.

# path to script log file

# create/touch log file

# invoke the save command on redis-cli
# this will dump all in-memory data to disk
OUTPUT="$(redis-cli SAVE)"

echo -e "$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z')\tSnapshoting Redis Data To Disk" >> $ACTIVITYLOG
echo -e "$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z')\tRedis says $OUTPUT" >> $ACTIVITYLOG

# end - nothing to do

I am using the following command to make it run on system reboot and shutdown:我正在使用以下命令使其在系统重新启动和关闭时运行:

sudo update-rc.d redis-snapshot start 99 0 6 .

It does not work for some reason and I am clueless what to try next.由于某种原因它不起作用,我不知道接下来要尝试什么。

Any bright ideas?有什么好主意吗?

What is your underlying distro and release?你的底层发行版和发行版是什么? Try尝试

chkconfig --add redis-snapshot

If you wish to specifically find out whether your script is run, you may try skipping output redirection to file, so you'd see it during boot-up or checking /var/log/boot.log after boot.如果您想特别确定您的脚本是否正在运行,您可以尝试跳过输出重定向到文件,这样您就可以在启动期间或在启动后检查/var/log/boot.log看到它。

If the output is missing, then your script was not added to /etc/rc#.d .如果输出丢失,则您的脚本未添加到/etc/rc#.d

An alternative method of running a script on startup (which I prefer) is via /etc/rc.local .在启动时运行脚本的另一种方法(我更喜欢)是通过/etc/rc.local Eg:例如:

bash /root/script.sh
exit 0

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