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[英]access to an array inside a object in javascript?

i have this code in (push notification payload) my application : 我在(推送通知有效负载)我的应用程序中有此代码:

var payload = {"message":"Bundle[{id=0, title=This is a test 
notification, android.support.content.wakelockid=3, 
collapse_key=push, from=93469011985}]","inBackground":0};

And i want to access to the "id" and "title" properties in this JSON. 我想访问此JSON中的“ id”和“ title”属性。 How can i do this ? 我怎样才能做到这一点 ? thx in advance :) 提前谢谢:)

I have tried to do things like this : 我试图做这样的事情:

console.log (payload.message['id'])

But it does not work. 但这行不通。

var id = payload.message.substring(payload.message.indexOf("id=") + 3, payload.message.indexOf(",", payload.message.indexOf("id=")));
var title = payload.message.substring(payload.message.indexOf("title=") + 6, payload.message.indexOf(",", payload.message.indexOf("title=")));
console.log(id, title);//prints 0 This is a test notification

Warning This code will fail if you have , in the middle of the title. 警告如果标题中间有,则此代码将失败。

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