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[英]Are Websites Hosted on Azure with Dreamspark subscriptions publicly accessible?

I'm a computer science student with a Microsoft Dreamspark subscription. 我是一名订阅了Microsoft Dreamspark的计算机科学专业的学生。 I recently created a website which I'm trying to host on Azure. 我最近创建了一个网站,试图在Azure上托管。 The website URL is nickgilbert.azurewebsites.net. 网站URL是nickgilbert.azurewebsites.net。 Whenever anybody besides me tries to access it they get hit with a sign-in wall prompting the user to sign into their Microsoft account. 每当我以外的任何人尝试访问它时,他们都会被登录墙打中,提示用户登录其Microsoft帐户。 Can I fix this so the website is publicly accessible or does Dreamspark only let the subscription holder see the website? 我可以解决此问题,以便该网站可以公开访问吗?或者Dreamspark是否只允许订阅者访问该网站?

Hosting of Azure apps from dreamspart subscript are free of cost . 从dreamspart下标托管Azure应用程序是免费的 Are you using any Authentication mechanism in your website? 您是否在网站中使用任何身份验证机制? Make sure you have anonymous access enabled to your default page in your app. 确保您已对应用程序中的默认页面启用了匿名访问。

Yes, Azure student web sites are open to the world you simply need the url.. 是的,Azure学生网站向世界开放,您只需要URL。

Did you set this up using a template? 您是否使用模板进行了设置? Here some instructions of how to setup a ASP.NET web site on Azure Cloud http://showtheworld.info/Quick_Start_Azure_Webapp.pdf 这里有一些有关如何在Azure云上设置ASP.NET网站的说明http://showtheworld.info/Quick_Start_Azure_Webapp.pdf

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