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[英]Ruby Error Help, Enumerator

I have some code that worked locally but when it ran RSPEC on the server I had a build fail. 我有一些在本地工作的代码,但是当它在服务器上运行RSPEC时,构建失败。

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

def sort_software_list(software_list)
  pkgs = JSON.load(File.read("#{Rails.root}/lib/tasks/pkgs.json"))
  hash = pkgs.map { |e| e["name"] }.each_with_index.to_h
  sorted_list = software_list.sort_by { |e| hash[e.name]}

It takes a file in the Rails project which is just a json file. 它需要在Rails项目中的一个文件,它只是一个json文件。 The function takes in software_list and sorts it with the correct order that the json file is in. 该函数接收software_list并按照json文件所在的正确顺序对其进行排序。

So my error on the failing rspec is: 所以我对失败的rspec的错误是:

undefined method `to_h' for #<Enumerator:0x0000000db66b30>

I am having trouble thinking of a reason this is happening. 我很难想到发生这种情况的原因。 Like I said it is working locally as far as I can tell. 就像我说的那样,据我所知,它在本地工作。 Any thoughts? 有什么想法吗?

I'm willing to bet that your local machine has Ruby 2.1.0 or greater and your server has a lesser version. 我敢打赌,您的本地计算机具有Ruby 2.1.0或更高版本,而您的服务器具有较低的版本。 Enumerator didn't get a to_h method (via Enumerable) until Ruby 2.1.0. 直到Ruby 2.1.0,Enumerator才获得to_h方法(通过Enumerable)。 An easy workaround is to use the Hash.[] method instead, after converting the Enumerator to an Array: 一个简单的解决方法是在将枚举器转换为数组后,使用Hash.[]方法代替:

hash = Hash[ pkgs.map {|e| e["name"] }.each_with_index.to_a ]

You may also find it useful to manage your project's Ruby version with rbenv or RVM to ensure that you're using the same version in development and in production. 您可能还会发现使用rbenv或RVM管理项目的Ruby版本以确保在开发和生产中使用相同的版本很有用。

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