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[英]loading Spring profiles from database

One may dynamically load Spring profiles by implementing ApplicationContextInitializer and adding Spring profiles to the environment. 通过实现ApplicationContextInitializer并将Spring配置文件添加到环境中,可以动态加载Spring配置文件。

The problem is that in one of projects I am helping in they are using properties stored in database. 问题是在我正在帮助的一个项目中,他们正在使用存储在数据库中的属性。 How to load property representing additional active Spring profiles from the database and than injecting it to the environment. 如何从数据库中加载表示其他活动Spring概要文件的属性,然后将其注入环境。 In ApplicationContextInitializer I cannot use Spring beans because the application context is not yet fully initialized. 在ApplicationContextInitializer中,由于应用程序上下文尚未完全初始化,因此我无法使用Spring Bean。 Is low level access to the database my only option? 低级访问数据库是我唯一的选择吗?

Spring PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer needs to be initialized with a location property that is the properties file you want. Spring PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer需要使用一个位置属性初始化,该属性是所需的属性文件。 But, this class can be also initialized with a java.util.Properties object. 但是,也可以使用java.util.Properties对象初始化该类。

From deprecated project Spring-Modules, you can find here this class that implements InitializingBean and FactoryBean Spring clases, such way it behaves like a normal java.util.Properties object which can be passed on to PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer.setProperties() method. 从弃用项目Spring的模块,你可以在这里找到这个类实现InitializingBeanFactoryBean春天clases,它的行为像一个正常的这样的方式java.util.Properties对象,它可以被传递到PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer.setProperties()方法。

This way you can take advantage of org.apache.commons.configuration.DatabaseConfiguration which acts like a Properties object but reading properties from a database. 这样,您就可以利用org.apache.commons.configuration.DatabaseConfiguration ,该属性的行为类似于Properties对象,但从数据库中读取属性。 For example, think of this bean configuration: 例如,考虑以下bean配置:


    <constructor-arg type="javax.sql.DataSource" ref="someDataSource"/>
    <constructor-arg index="1" value="SCHEMA.PROPERTIES_TABLE"/>
    <constructor-arg index="2" value="KEY"/>
    <constructor-arg index="3" value="VALUE"/>

Here, arg 1 is the table that contains the properties, arg 2 the key column ans arg 2 the value column. 在这里,arg 1是包含属性的表,arg 2是键列,而arg 2是值列。

So, you can create your custom class, very similar to CommonsConfigurationFactoryBean and use in this way: 因此,您可以创建与CommonsConfigurationFactoryBean非常相似的自定义类,并以这种方式使用:

    <property name="properties" ref="MyCustomClass"/>

Where MyCustomClass is the class you will use to wrap MyDatabaseConfiguration . 其中MyCustomClass是用于包装MyDatabaseConfiguration

Hope it helps. 希望能帮助到你。

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